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RIP Colin Powell...


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2013
...died at 84 due to complications from COVID 19 - he was fully vaccinated.
If he died and was fully vaccinated... that means no one should get vaccinated! Hurrr....
If he died and was fully vaccinated... that means no one should get vaccinated! Hurrr....

no, it doesn't mean that just like saying someone is a war criminal doesn't mean they're actually a war criminal.
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The murky ?Complications due to Covid? cause of death?

I guess who wanted what at the cabinet levels during the Bush years leading to the Iraq invasion is also murky?
The murky ?Complications due to Covid? cause of death?

I guess who wanted what at the cabinet levels during the Bush years leading to the Iraq invasion is also murky?

former Bush treasury secretary Paul O'Neill - who they forced out - wrote that they pretty much all did.

he said in their first meeting after 9/11, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Cheney were all insisting Iraq would still be their target, and he was baffled at where the consensus came from.

he wrote a whole book about his bizarre experience. the book sank like a stone and no one except me read it.
former Bush treasury secretary Paul O'Neill - who they forced out - wrote that they pretty much all did.

he said in their first meeting after 9/11, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Cheney were all insisting Iraq would still be their target, and he was baffled at where the consensus came from.

he wrote a whole book about his bizarre experience. the book sank like a stone and no one except me read it.

I?ve been reading that the hard core neocon hawks - Powell not one of them - were talking about raiding Iraq BEFORE 911 happened. The others convinced Powell to go along and he claimed later that he started prepping the famous/infamous UN address about four days after seeing the data. He has publicly stated the UN address was his bigger regret.

So who knows?, he?s dead now and maybe he died of Covid and he?ll never dragged in front of The Hague.
I?ve been reading that the hard core neocon hawks - Powell not one of them - were talking about raiding Iraq BEFORE 911 happened. The others convinced Powell to go along and he claimed later that he started prepping the famous/infamous UN address about four days after seeing the data. He has publicly stated the UN address was his bigger regret.

So who knows?, he?s dead now and maybe he died of Covid and he?ll never dragged in front of The Hague.

his record before then wasn't great. he helped white wash the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, and when his division was implicated in other atrocities against Vietnamese civilians, he helped cover it up.

I think his reluctance to go to war in Iraq was all for show. he was as rotten as the rest of them
He actually died from cancer, so.ething be had battled for a long time. He was vaxxed and tested positive for Covid, which might have contributed, but was NOT the cause.

Do not believe the Fear Market System pushing the Covid angle, it just sells more ads and stirs up far more political animosity than saying he died from cancer.
He actually died from cancer, so.ething be had battled for a long time. He was vaxxed and tested positive for Covid, which might have contributed, but was NOT the cause.

Do not believe the Fear Market System pushing the Covid angle, it just sells more ads and stirs up far more political animosity than saying he died from cancer.

the media is so bad.

Headline: Colin Powell dies from COVID

Article reads: Powel has been battling multiple myeloma which suppresses the body's immune response. He also had Parkinson's. :cheers:
the media is so bad.

Headline: Colin Powell dies from COVID

Article reads: Powel has been battling multiple myeloma which suppresses the body's immune response. He also had Parkinson's. :cheers:

Get the shot! NOW!!!

I heard today that the average age of a COVID death in the US is 81 years old. That's older than the life expectancy in the US. Everyone must get the shot for public health and safety - even though the shot doesn't prevent you from getting or spreading COVID or materially lower you're already low chances of getting seriously ill and even lower chances of dying if you're under 65.
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Get the shot! NOW!!!

I heard today that the average age of a COVID death in the US is 81 years old. That's older than the life expectancy in the US. Everyone must get the shot for public health and safety - even though the shot doesn't prevent you from getting or spreading COVID or materially lower you're already low chances of getting seriously ill and even lower chances of dying if you're under 65.

for the record, I'm pro shot. I believe that the more people that get it the better off everyone will be. I don't have too much proof of this, just basing my opinion off of past vaccinations. That said, I fully support anyone that doesn't want to get it because of the possible unknown future side effects.

What I can't stand is people getting on their soap boxes and claiming that one way is right and everyone else is stupid.
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for the record, I'm pro shot. I believe that the more people that get it the better off everyone will be. I don't have too much proof of this, just basing my opinion off of past vaccinations. That said, I fully support anyone that doesn't want to get it because of the possible unknown future side effects.

What I can't stand is people getting on their soap boxes and claiming that one way is right and everyone else is stupid.

for the record, that was an anti-mandate, not an anti-vax post. I'm all for people making an informed decision for themselves - I've never tried to talk anyone out of (or into) getting the shot. I do think a lot of people who have gotten the shot don't need it, but that's their choice. Consult your doctor, read/review the data and make the decision that's best for you.

I'm sure some people are actually anti-vax and telling people not to get it - I'm not aware of anyone that's doing that and I don't support that position - I'm glad my 76 and 80 year old parents are triple vaxx'd. What grinds my gears (Family Guy reference) are all the people that know nothing about the virus or vaccine labeling anyone who chooses not to get the vaccine as anti-science anti-vaxxers. It's about freedom of choice and informed consent for me.
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Get the shot! NOW!!!

I heard today that the average age of a COVID death in the US is 81 years old. That's older than the life expectancy in the US. Everyone must get the shot for public health and safety - even though the shot doesn't prevent you from getting or spreading COVID or materially lower you're already low chances of getting seriously ill and even lower chances of dying if you're under 65.

who did you hear that from? tigermud?

It's the leading cause of death for cops now, and has been. In September it was the 2nd leading cause of death for all Americans (link); the rates fluctuate. according to that article it was THE leading cause of death for all Americans in Jan 2021.

for the record, that was an anti-mandate, not an anti-vax post. I'm all for people making an informed decision for themselves - I've never tried to talk anyone out of (or into) getting the shot. I do think a lot of people who have gotten the shot don't need it, but that's their choice. Consult your doctor, read/review the data and make the decision that's best for you.

I'm sure some people are actually anti-vax and telling people not to get it - I'm not aware of anyone that's doing that and I don't support that position - I'm glad my 76 and 80 year old parents are triple vaxx'd. What grinds my gears (Family Guy reference) are all the people that know nothing about the virus or vaccine labeling anyone who chooses not to get the vaccine as anti-science anti-vaxxers. It's about freedom of choice and informed consent for me.

How many Americans are qualified to actually review medical studies, and make an "informed" decision? Beyond that, what are they actually informing themselves of? The chances they'll have adverse reactions? How?

You vomit up these stupid phrases here without even thinking through what they actually mean in real life.
who did you hear that from? tigermud?

It's the leading cause of death for cops now, and has been. In September it was the 2nd leading cause of death for all Americans (link); the rates fluctuate. according to that article it was THE leading cause of death for all Americans in Jan 2021.

Who did you hear that from? MSNBC? You realize, if true none of that disproves the average age of COVID deaths is 81. How many cops die every year? Did you look that up? And is that leading cause of death for all Americans the actual number of COVID deaths or is it based on all the deaths from other causes counted as COVID deaths?

Per CDC data, of all COVID deaths from 1/1/20 through 10/9/21 (i.e. the entire pandemic), 90% were among those aged 55 an older. The largest cohort (27% of all deaths) were aged 85+. The majority (53.7%) were among those aged 75+

How many Americans are qualified to actually review medical studies, and make an "informed" decision? Beyond that, what are they actually informing themselves of? The chances they'll have adverse reactions? How?

You vomit up these stupid phrases here without even thinking through what they actually mean in real life.

A lot more than you think. What they would be informing themselves of is the actual risk to them of getting sick or dying if infected, not the boogey man risk story you buy into.

I know exactly what they mean because I've taken it upon myself to learn what the actual risk is to me - which is near zero and not materially improved by the vaccine that has known risks and hasn't been tested for long term side effects.

Talk about vomitting up garbage - you say things like this with a complete lack of self-awareness. You're the guy who is constantly pushing the line about hating the rich and billionaires are all evil Republicans despite the well documented fact that they overwhelmingly contribute to, openly support and vote for then get favorable treatment from Democrats. And now here you are pushing a mandate for a vaccine most people don't need that doesn't prevent infection from or the spread of COVID but has minted 9 new billionaires over the last year. Guess how many of those 9 billionaires have close ties to policy makers like your heroes Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, etc.

You're an idiot and a hypocrite - and a billionaire bootlicker.
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Who did you hear that from? MSNBC? You realize, if true none of that disproves the average age of COVID deaths is 81. How many cops die every year? Did you look that up? And is that leading cause of death for all Americans the actual number of COVID deaths or is it based on all the deaths from other causes counted as COVID deaths?

Per CDC data, of all COVID deaths from 1/1/20 through 10/9/21 (i.e. the entire pandemic), 90% were among those aged 55 an older. The largest cohort (27% of all deaths) were aged 85+. The majority (53.7%) were among those aged 75+

I included the link to my data.

Seems a little misleading to say the avg. age is 81. #'s of deaths due to COVID start to creep up in one's 40's according to your link, and it's not a negligible risk.

and adding up all the dead under 50 (around 100,000) & 99,000 dead from ages 50-64. I guess fuck those people, right?

of those 64-75, another 160,000 dead... for a nation that used to have an increasing life expectancy, kinda shocking to suddenly see that decreasing, and writing off our parents and grandparents as good as dead because they hit old age.

No, this is an unprecedented public health crisis, AND it's still not over, and the last wave was worse than the one at the same time the year before.

and of course, who wants to get sick as a dog for 2 weeks or more like the people I know who've got it and recovered? or be an otherwise healthy 43 year old like my friend, who couldn't ride his bike for over a month because his lungs were fucked by this. Dying isn't the only bad outcome, and some percentage of recoveries are going to need long term care, or will get wiped out early from something else.

A lot more than you think. What they would be informing themselves of is the actual risk to them of getting sick or dying if infected, not the boogey man risk story you buy into.

I know exactly what they mean because I've taken it upon myself to learn what the actual risk is to me - which is near zero and not materially improved by the vaccine that has known risks and hasn't been tested for long term side effects.

Talk about vomitting up garbage - you say things like this with a complete lack of self-awareness. You're the guy who is constantly pushing the line about hating the rich and billionaires are all evil Republicans despite the well documented fact that they overwhelmingly contribute to, openly support and vote for then get favorable treatment from Democrats. And now here you are pushing a mandate for a vaccine most people don't need that doesn't prevent infection from or the spread of COVID but has minted 9 new billionaires over the last year. Guess how many of those 9 billionaires have close ties to policy makers like your heroes Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, etc.

You're an idiot and a hypocrite - and a billionaire bootlicker.

if you say so. but we were talking about the COVID statistics you pulled out of your ass... what do billionaires have to do with that?
How does one research COVID vaccines in any meaningful way to decide whether to get the shot or not?

Youtube videos?

The CDC recommends you get vaccinated (link)

as does the Mayo Clinic (link)

as does the American Medical Association (link), and they also recommend vaccine mandates (link)

Practically every public health agency or medical institution in the US recommends them, so "do your research" is such a bullshit talking point. What? You going to go back to college for an advanced degree in biology, get experience researching vaccines, then fund your own lab, collect samples, and publish your results?

It's hilarious seeing someone like you, tigermud or Sam Darnold (who was a comm major at USC, LOL) talking about "doing your research."

I'd trust a monkey in a labcoat over any of you.
It is now a 1.6% mortality rate in the US, and still dropping. That is compared to the REPORTED number of cases. It does not include all of the people who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and self treated at home. So it is pretty clear that the actual mortality would be below 1.5% if we take that into account. If we then adjust all the BS reported causes that were erroneously assigned to Covid as opposed to the underlying ailment that really caused it, as in the case of Powell, my bet is the true mortality in the US is below 1%.

The real question then becomes, when you have a 99% chance of surviving, why are you so fucking afraid of this thing?

Furthermore, why is the government allowed to create a mandate based off FALSE impressions that when you are vaccinated it prevents one from getting and spreading it? Seriously, there is zero difference between a vaccinated person with Covid walking around spreading it and an unvaccinated person who is asymptomatic and spreading it. ZERO difference. So in reality there are likely more vaccinated people spreading Covid now than there are unvaccinated. Yet governments are mandating a fucking card like they are the Gestapo "where's your papers!"

You cannot tell me that vaccinated people are safer for society than unvaccinated because that is a lie. There are over 4,500 variants now, though only a few that the CDC keeps an eye on and labels with a Greek letter due to that variant having genetics that either increase transmission or intensity or both. Variants are floating around and they are creating even more variants. Being vaccinated actually increases the need of variants to be stronger in order to survive. It is a piece of science many Liberals apparently failed to learn about, it is called Darwinism.

The government is abusing their authority with this, and we all know that once governments have this level of authority it becomes something they more quickly and eagerly enact moving forward. It is a travesty and violation of all that the US Constitution was framed around.

Of course the Socialists want it. It is why Champ is pushing so hard for it. Because it is NOT about being vaccinated and caring about people's health and safety and reducing the spread. If those were legit concerns then they would be more on earned about the vaccinated people spreading it. No, this is entirely about government increasing their authority and implementing a "Papers Mandate".

Funny how Liberals are demanding Vaccine Cards but they do not demand immigration documents. They are willingly and eagerly going to push illegal immigrants to get their VC, but will not simultaneously require residency documentation.

The entire Covid thing is ridiculous at this point. Using Fear to control people used to be something Democrats did not support, like when it is used to support the War on Terror. Suddenly they are embracing the use of Fear Tactics. Liberals used to be pro-Choice when it came to abortion and the death of as many babies as Covid has supposedly killed (2018 known abortions were 618,000+)... but when it comes to vaccines there is NO CHOICE!!!

No, this is not about vaccines, it is about government control of the people.
And actually in 2020 there were 345k deaths from Covid... which is less than Heart Disease, Cancer, and abortion. In fact, there was a time when over 1.5 million abortions were happening in the US every year.

No, I am not anti-abortion... I am pro-choice. Just like I am with the vaccinations. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the Liberals when it comes to Choice and how this is really a matter of government increasing control over the pooulation.