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WikiLeaks revealing how scummy the DNC is


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Aug 8, 2011
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Tons of juicy shit being released. Everything from shitting on Sanders to dirty fundraising tactics...you name it. Media not really reporting on it because the major networks themselves are implicated as well.

WikiLeaks Twitter: https://twitter.com/wikileaks

Collection of the best finds thus far:

God damn DNC...Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
the media collusion was obvious during the campaign. Sanders was pulling in crowds the same size and often bigger than Trump's or Hillary's to his speeches, but getting less coverage than Ben Carson. the fix was in.
or maybe it's just common sense. I mean would you rather hear Trump talk about all his "business accomplishments," brag about his wife's tits, and how he'll murder all the Mexican rapists coming to this country, or Sanders discuss the TPP & its impact on American and foreign workers? simple choice for many.
anyways, the leak is fortuitous. it underscores (hopefully) for more progressive/socialist democrats the need to continue the fight once Hillary is elected.

Hillary's hardcore supporters won't care (she could spit on them and they'd still salute). and I doubt DNC corruption will get many people to pull a lever for Trump.
Because we all now how Saintly the GOP party of no is lol ;)

And on the flip side nothing will stop the goose stepping Trump supporters from clicking thier boots to the booth all the while hurling insults at the nonbelievers. It's really a shame this country cannot get a viable third party to challenge the status quo. You would think this election cycle would be the time for it.
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Hillary's hardcore supporters won't care (she could spit on them and they'd still salute). and I doubt DNC corruption will get many people to pull a lever for Trump.

Maybe Trump and Hillary could settle the election with pistols on 5th Avenue, just like was done back in the day of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
would like to see the Bernie supporters stand their ground at the DNC and turn it into a shitshow for her.

Sanders people already negotiated the Democratic platform. we/they didnt get everything but we got some decent concessions.

in exchange for those... well you have to honor your side of the deal, hold your nose and vote for Hillary.

sucks, but that's politics.

this way - cutting deals and staying engaged with the process - makes sense.

just getting angry and going and making a scene? doesn't accomplish anything. but simple pleasures for simple minds.
Sanders people already negotiated the Democratic platform. we/they didnt get everything but we got some decent concessions.

in exchange for those... well you have to honor your side of the deal, hold your nose and vote for Hillary.

sucks, but that's politics.

this way - cutting deals and staying engaged with the process - makes sense.

just getting angry and going and making a scene? doesn't accomplish anything. but simple pleasures for simple minds.

What concessions? People in positions or just some vague policy BS? Because I don't believe for a second that Clinton will ever, once in office, look back and say 'Well, the banks want me to pass this, but I did make Sanders a promise, so I won't."
So Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn. Damn what a piece of crap. Learned his hate from one of the best fear mongers of all time.
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What concessions? People in positions or just some vague policy BS? Because I don't believe for a second that Clinton will ever, once in office, look back and say 'Well, the banks want me to pass this, but I did make Sanders a promise, so I won't."

Oh, no, I'm sure Clinton will honor her promise to "the Bern."
Because we all now how Saintly the GOP party of no is lol ;)

Not that your comment is relevant at all to this topic, but at least they were transparent in their complete disregarding of Trump.

Maybe Trump and Hillary could settle the election with pistols on 5th Avenue, just like was done back in the day of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.

Better give them shotguns instead of revolvers. The latter might take a long time.
Not that your comment is relevant at all to this topic, but at least they were transparent in their complete disregarding of Trump.

Bob's first rule of DSF politics - you can't bring up anything bad about the Dems without also throwing in "but the GOP is at least as bad if not worse" or "but Bush was worse."
Bob's first rule of DSF politics - you can't bring up anything bad about the Dems without also throwing in "but the GOP is at least as bad if not worse" or "but Bush was worse."

Because be all know Obama had so much help these last 8 years ;)
Hey try thinking how things might have been if the do nothing GOP had even tried to help the American people which they didn't. Oh yeah don't forget Hack hates both parties but spends most of his time bashing just one of them . But getting back to the Leaks yeah the Democrats are just terrible lynch them all !!! I am sure another round of Republican investigation are right around the corner. If there is enough evidence convict them all!
Because be all know Obama had so much help these last 8 years ;)
Hey try thinking how things might have been if the do nothing GOP had even tried to help the American people which they didn't. Oh yeah don't forget Hack hates both parties but spends most of his time bashing just one of them . But getting back to the Leaks yeah the Democrats are just terrible lynch them all !!! I am sure another round of Republican investigation are right around the corner. If there is enough evidence convict them all!

exactly - when someone points out proof of DNC corruption, remind everyone that thanks to Republicans in Congress blocking obama's agenda, the country is in a huge mess! if not for them, Obama would have fixed everything by making failed government programs bigger and more expensive. extrachromosomebob strikes again - one arrow in the quiver.
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Because be all know Obama had so much help these last 8 years ;)
Hey try thinking how things might have been if the do nothing GOP had even tried to help the American people which they didn't. Oh yeah don't forget Hack hates both parties but spends most of his time bashing just one of them . But getting back to the Leaks yeah the Democrats are just terrible lynch them all !!! I am sure another round of Republican investigation are right around the corner. If there is enough evidence convict them all!

While I always enjoy some good hyperbole, nobody (well, not the OP) said that "all democrats are terrible". The point of the thread is how dirty and manipulative the DNC has been this election cycle. There is absolutely nothing defensible about these leaks. If you're a staunch democrat, take your beating and move on. Or go post in one of the dozens of anti GOP threads that already exist.

When/if the RNC/GOP have a grand wikileaks expose, you can be sure I'll be sharing that link(s) as well. But let's be real, they don't seem to have 'computer/server problems' quite like the DNC.
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