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Assassin Creed 3


Aug 1, 2011
Northern Michigan Wildcats
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Red Wings
Michigan Wolverines
The first one was good, the second one was my favorite and even though Brotherhood and especially Revelations weren't the same I still enjoyed them but Assassin Creed 3 sucked.

The guy wasn't even an Assassin, more a warrior out for revenge and the characters and story were awful. So disappointed.

Anyone else not like it or like it?
Hated it so much I didn't even finish. I felt like I was just maneuvering the character from 1 cut scene to the next. The others were great even with the repetitiveness.
Hated it so much I didn't even finish. I felt like I was just maneuvering the character from 1 cut scene to the next. The others were great even with the repetitiveness.

I almost didn't but felt I had to finish to feel I was getting some of my money worth. Man did it suck.
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I rented through redbox so I didn't want to waste the money finishing.
I rented through redbox so I didn't want to waste the money finishing.

I should get back to game fly so not to waste cash in a situation like this. Haven't tried Red box, how are they?
2 bucks a day, can't really beat that. Only drawbacks are playing online and some games you only get one disk. It's great for games that don't take long to beat or don't have replay value.
Dang I thought this was one of the "greatest games ever released." Glad I didn't buy it..I've never played any of them but this one was suppose to be soooo good and I wanted a non sports title game so I thought I'd give it a try. Maybe I'll borrow a friends and see if I like it.
The first one was good, the second one was my favorite and even though Brotherhood and especially Revelations weren't the same I still enjoyed them but Assassin Creed 3 sucked.

The guy wasn't even an Assassin, more a warrior out for revenge and the characters and story were awful. So disappointed.

Anyone else not like it or like it?

Agreed, gameplay was good as always, but the story wasn't nearly as cool, and the main character was horrible. He was such a fucking baby, Etzio and Altair were cool.

This character was a pussy.
I liked the complete series of The Assassins Creed. My favorite was The Assassins Creed IV.
I liked the complete series of The Assassins Creed. My favorite was The Assassins Creed IV.

IV wasn't bad but one and two were still my favorites, by a wide margin. I do like the sea battles but the dude wasn't an assassin. In the next one, if the same character is in he'll probably be an assassin. Plus, Etzio and Altair had at least a little compassion. Not just about the money. Nonetheless he was way better than number III guy.