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Russell Wilson blames his 4 INTs on the Christian god


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Link. Interesting twist on the old "delusional, brain-damaged jock attributes good fortune at sport to imaginary man in the sky" clich?.

I don't think this is that surprising though... the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Supposedly. If the Lord helps one team win, he's obviously making the other team fail.

Wilson seems to think his Christian god was just trying to make the ending more interesting, and did not actually intend to favor the Packers. Although Wilson claims to know the mind of his Christian god, who really knows? If the opposite was true, ponder that for a minute: Russell Wilson and the Seahawks are more powerful than their own Christian god.
If I had a nickel for every time I've heard an athlete credit the outcome of a sports event to Divine Intervention I'd have more money than God...
I burst out laughing when I saw that. If you pray about sports you need to reexamine your life.
LOL some of the comments in that link are fucking hilarious.

But, what does Tebow think of all this I wonder?
Saw that Aaron Rogers said something like, "I don't think God cares who wins football games ..."


Tell that to the SEC, Mr Hippie CAL QB
I can't account for people who misappropriate God's priorities. I can only say they are acknowledging Him in as an imperfect way as the rest of us.
Everyone should keep their religion to themselves and keep it private.
Maybe there would be a lot less problems in the world..
Everyone should keep their religion to themselves and keep it private.
Maybe there would be a lot less problems in the world..

No. They should live it as designed more than merely talk about it. To me, the problems in the world are sourced and escalated to the degree that we ignore God and push Him away.
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I just heard this being discussed on 97.1, this dude is nuts, he claims God spoke to him after the super bowl INT that this is a test for him, and he also claims God told him to abstain from sex with his girlfriend, singer Ciara.

He's laying the groundwork to for a career as a megachurch pastor after his NFL career ends, or maybe a career as a family values Republican candidate.
Hmmm...God must really loathe and despise the Detroit Lions.

But their mascot-nickname counterparts IRL, did kill and eat Christians in the ancient Roman Coliseum, so there's that...:ugh:
Hmmm...God must really loathe and despise the Detroit Lions.

But their mascot-nickname counterparts IRL, did kill and eat Christians in the ancient Roman Coliseum, so there's that...:ugh:

The Lions are not at fault for that. Were the name the Detroit Caesars, then you might have a point.
Didn't he just get a divorce? lol

The hypocrisy.
No. They should live it as designed more than merely talk about it. To me, the problems in the world are sourced and escalated to the degree that we ignore God and push Him away.

For what its worth, Byco, I admire your faith and willingness to put it out there. This is a tough crowd and yet you persevere.