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Today's Example of Trump being unpresidential


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
I figure we don't need a new thread for every stupid thing he does. can use the same running commentary concept we used in this thread, which has proven to be incredibly popular with the board.

Today's Example would be his response to the recent terror attack in London (via twitter of course), in which he shamelessly attacked the mayor of London to try to score some cheap political points. here's a link to an article with screenshots of the tweets.

two noteworthy comments:
1) he tried to shoehorn in an argument about this being a failure of gun control, but it backfired when people quickly pointed out the attackers had no guns (thanks to Britain's gun control laws) and it would've been a lot worse if they did. &
2) he just made his DOJ lawyers' jobs much more difficult by openly calling his "Muslim ban" a Muslim ban in a related tweet and demanding the judiciary leave it alone. ooops. good luck trying to argue that one in court now.
Oh boy...this thread could take over KC's Tigers team notes thread in a short time. It has 58,733 posts.
I would be stunned if this guy made it the full four years.

My guess? He resigns in a couple years. He just wanted to see if he could actually win and sucker millions of Americans with a slogan.
This is great. That way I only have to ignore one ignorant thread.

Let the circle jerk begin.
This is great. That way I only have to ignore one ignorant thread.

Let the circle jerk begin.

KAWDUP regrets his vote, but instead of being humble and trying to do better, he takes his frustrations out on the rest of us.

in the end, we all lose.
He's often unpresidential more than once a day.

on the Bing homepage, I saw he just went golfing with Peyton Manning, then afterward tweeted something about how he will not rest and will be vigilant 24/7 to keep us safe from terrorists. I guess terrorists respect his golf schedule when they plan their attacks

good thing we're not actually relying on him to keep us safe from terrorists.
on the Bing homepage, I saw he just went golfing with Peyton Manning, then afterward tweeted something about how he will not rest and will be vigilant 24/7 to keep us safe from terrorists. I guess terrorists respect his golf schedule when they plan their attacks

good thing we're not actually relying on him to keep us safe from terrorists.

They were discussing evasive strategy. After years as an NFL quarterback Manning is an expert in that.
KAWDUP regrets his vote, but instead of being humble and trying to do better, he takes his frustrations out on the rest of us.

in the end, we all lose.

To be fair to KAWDUP, Trump won Georgia by almost a quarter of a million
votes; KAWDUP has nothing to regret really.

I didn't vote for Clinton in an effort to stop Trump, but she did fine in Cali without me.
Spicer: "This is not a Muslim ban, this is not a travel ban."

People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!
To be fair to KAWDUP, Trump won Georgia by almost a quarter of a million
votes; KAWDUP has nothing to regret really.

I didn't vote for Clinton in an effort to stop Trump, but she did fine in Cali without me.

To be fair to KAWDUP, Trump was not his first choice.

His first choice was the guy who thinks the pyramids were used to store grain, because you know....the Giza plateau is so lush and fertile they needed those gigantic structures to store all that grain.

So really, he only settled for President Golfsalot.
To be fair to KAWDUP, Trump was not his first choice.

His first choice was the guy who thinks the pyramids were used to store grain, because you know....the Giza plateau is so lush and fertile they needed those gigantic structures to store all that grain.

So really, he only settled for President Golfsalot.

To be fair to Ben Carson, he's less crazy than Trump.

I would take Carson over Trump any day.
The entire premise of this thread is erroneous.

Trump is President, hence, everything he does is presidential.
The entire premise of this thread is erroneous.

Trump is President, hence, everything he does is presidential.

I would say the premise of your post is what is erroneous.

There is an expectation for the president to honor his or her station with a particular behavioral decorum.

When a president fails to do that, that president's behavior is not presidential, whether that person is the president or not.
To be fair to Ben Carson, he's less crazy than Trump.

I would take Carson over Trump any day.

I disagree about the less crazy part. I don't think Trump is crazy at all.

He is probably the biggest narcissist of the last 30 years, has no filter, and is far less intelligent then even Dubya, but really, I don't think he has a crazy bone in his whole body.

Carson on the other hand is very intelligent, just bat-shit crazy.

In the end I wouldn't be any happier if Carson had the launch codes and not Donald J. Twitter.
2) he just made his DOJ lawyers' jobs much more difficult by openly calling his "Muslim ban" a Muslim ban in a related tweet and demanding the judiciary leave it alone. ooops. good luck trying to argue that one in court now.

Where did you see this?
I disagree about the less crazy part. I don't think Trump is crazy at all.

He is probably the biggest narcissist of the last 30 years, has no filter, and is far less intelligent then even Dubya, but really, I don't think he has a crazy bone in his whole body.

Carson on the other hand is very intelligent, just bat-shit crazy.

In the end I wouldn't be any happier if Carson had the launch codes and not Donald J. Twitter.

He certainly seems to have an impulse control disorder.

I don't know if that technically classifies him as crazy or not, but he certainly has a behavioral disorder.