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Favorite Science Fiction movies


Aug 6, 2011
Which ones are you favorites.

Blade Runner, 2001 Space Odyssey,Empire strikes back.
Alien, Aliens, Planet of the Apes, Star Wars, Matrix, Sunshine, Moon, District 9, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, The day the Earth stood still,
The Andromeda Strain,Tron, The Thing, The Terminator,Close Encounters of the Third Kind,Children of Men, ect,ect,ect

Name some of your favorites this list has so many to choose from that were fun and many more different ones..
DR said:
Not sure this needs to be stickied.

Probably not But I had Poison Ivy keeping me up all last night and by 5:30 am I was seeing things.... Sorry about that...
I've been lucky enough to avoid that so far in my life....my wife, not so lucky. That sucks.
DR said:
I've been lucky enough to avoid that so far in my life....my wife, not so lucky. That sucks.

Yeah my wife just stares at it and gets it. I can roll around in Poison Ivy all day and not get it. Knock on wood
The Empire Strikes Back, Wrath of Khan, Charlton Heston's Planet of the Apes
Star Wars...THE Trilogy. No prequel BS. How has nobody said Being John Malkovich ( more Fantasy I guess )??? I feel like 12 Monkeys is a really underrated movie.. 2001 Space Odyssey. The Matrix the first one only.. A Clockwork Orange. Nobody has mentioned Back to the Future?.. Serenity was good. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I really want to see Moon.. I know people don't like Idiocracy but I think its pretty damn funny...
BUt seriously.. I'm somewhat of a John Carpenter fan and The Thing is probably my favorite movie by him.. Very underrated movie.. I know it falls under the Horror Genre as well but to me it's also a Science Fiction film..
tigers99888 said:
BUt seriously.. I'm somewhat of a John Carpenter fan and The Thing is probably my favorite movie by him.. Very underrated movie.. I know it falls under the Horror Genre as well but to me it's also a Science Fiction film..

Another great movie...
Have you ever watched the last 26:00 of 2001: A Space Odyssey set to Pink Floyd's Echoes? Pretty trippy.

you start the song right as the title for the last segment of the movie "Jupiter: And Beyond the Infinite" appear on the screen.
I agree with John Carpenter's "The Thing" and "Alien" being two incredible sci-fi movies.

I also really like the movie "Sunshine", which is about the sun dying and a group of astronauts attempting to re-ignite with a huge bomb. Awesome story and eerie twist in the last part of the film...
The Black Hole, The Final Countdown, Ice Station Zebra, Pitch Black, The Road Warrior, Predator, Predator 2, AVP, AVP 2 Crack In The Earth, The Fly, (remake), Fantastic Voyage, Westworld...
[color=#006400 said:
tigers99888 said:
BUt seriously.. I'm somewhat of a John Carpenter fan and The Thing is probably my favorite movie by him.. Very underrated movie.. I know it falls under the Horror Genre as well but to me it's also a Science Fiction film..

Another great movie...

A new one comes out Oct 14th
