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So... Syria?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Stop me if you've heard this one before:

so I guess we need to go to war, because the guy we don't like and who's regime we have been destabilizing for several years now by actively arming and funding militias opposed to him, (allegedly) killed a few (more) dozen of his own people using a method that is not okay, as opposed to machine gunning them or bombing them with napalm, which are still bad, but not really, really bad.

And our government is sure it was Assad, and not someone else, just like they were sure Saddam Hussein had WMDs and they were sure North Vietnam fired on the USS Maddox in the Gult of Tonkin...
Syria doesn't even crack the top 50 list for oil production. Can't imagine we're as interested as we pretend to be.
Syria doesn't even crack the top 50 list for oil production. Can't imagine we're as interested as we pretend to be.

our wars are subsidies for the military industrial complex; the amount of oil they have is irrelevent. What matters is we'll have to buy a lot of smart bombs, and what not for the fight.

the only other consideration is that they don't have the means to fight back in any way that could endanger the lives of our military or political leaders. And as far as I know, Syria doesn't have a navy or ICBMs, so there is no way they are getting to Washington DC.
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our wars are subsidies for the military industrial complex; the amount of oil they have is irrelevent. What matters is we'll have to buy a lot of smart bombs, and what not for the fight.

the only other consideration is that they don't have the means to fight back in any way that could endanger the lives of our military or political leaders. And as far as I know, Syria doesn't have a navy or ICBMs, so there is no way they are getting to Washington DC.

That's a good point that I hadn't considered. Have Trump's connection(s) to the arms industry been as apparent as his Wall Street connections? I haven't paid enough attention to notice.
59 Tomhawk missile...I hope trump put fucking Putin on notice before he did this becase they are supporting Syria .
That's a good point that I hadn't considered. Have Trump's connection(s) to the arms industry been as apparent as his Wall Street connections? I haven't paid enough attention to notice.

Tomahawk missiles cost 1.4 million to make.
What did we target ? Just the airfield ? Planes ? No command and control ? Did we target the chemical weapons ? Is there a follow up? Like I said did Trump put Putin on notice as he was doing this ?

I am very curious what we targeted . Something had to be done. Becaue we cannot tolerate any country using chemical weapons. My opinion is that Putin eventual will have to roll over on Assad.
I'm amused that were firing missiles into a country for killing people that we deemed to dangerous to enter our country via refugee status.
What did we target ? Just the airfield ? Planes ? No command and control ? Did we target the chemical weapons ? Is there a follow up? Like I said did Trump put Putin on notice as he was doing this ?

I am very curious what we targeted . Something had to be done. Becaue we cannot tolerate any country using chemical weapons. My opinion is that Putin eventual will have to roll over on Assad.

Is there any proof isis wasn't behind the gas attack by having buildings loaded up waiting to be hit? there is no limit to thier barbarism.. what takes over in Syria? Another haven for isis? I pray we aren't being duped again
I'm amused that were firing missiles into a country for killing people that we deemed to dangerous to enter our country via refugee status.

They're firing to knock down a place creating chemical weapons.. Seems logical.
Looks like they left the airfield intact and they placated Putin ealier in the week and made it clear there will be no regime change in Syria? We already have 500 special forces in Syria and that number may be increased. Why not just take this cat out ? If your not in bed with Putin this is a gift laid right on your desk. Trump talked tough so just take Assad out, and then tell Putin we are going to fix Syria togther. I guess it's just not that easy .

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They're firing to knock down a place creating chemical weapons.. Seems logical.

That was like the third thing mentioned in his speech. He went on for a minute about innocent lives being lost. It's ironic as can be and you know it.
What did we target ? Just the airfield ? Planes ? No command and control ? Did we target the chemical weapons ? Is there a follow up? Like I said did Trump put Putin on notice as he was doing this ?

I am very curious what we targeted . Something had to be done. Becaue we cannot tolerate any country using chemical weapons. My opinion is that Putin eventual will have to roll over on Assad.

Putin rolled over on Ghaddafi and look what a mess that turned out to be. Libya is still fragmented by militias that fought against Ghaddafi. It is a mistake he is very keen NOT to repeat with Assad.

BTW, aren't you guys famous for using agent orange in Vietnam?
Also ignore any potential side-effects of using depleted uranium munitions.
That was like the third thing mentioned in his speech. He went on for a minute about innocent lives being lost. It's ironic as can be and you know it.

I guess I miss what you're trying to say.. Are you saying that Syrian's that are deemed inappropriate are all just good people? It's run by a dictator, you really think he would let the good people get out of that country so they could come here. Syrian was on Obama's ban list, I suspect other former Presidents as well.
Putin rolled over on Ghaddafi and look what a mess that turned out to be. Libya is still fragmented by militias that fought against Ghaddafi. It is a mistake he is very keen NOT to repeat with Assad.

BTW, aren't you guys famous for using agent orange in Vietnam?
Also ignore any potential side-effects of using depleted uranium munitions.

Well I was 5 years old in 1966, and 14 in 1975 so I found out about agent Orange a few years later. That was another bullshit war we sadly exponentially grew.,and I posted somewhere on this forum about the depleted Uranium munitions left in Iraq few years back..
I don't disagree with anything you said . I do not know the answer . Earlier in the week this admistration was saying via Tillerson that the Syrian people will be the ones to deal with Assad. Then a day or so later right after a chemical attack Trump launches 59 cruise Missiles. Seems like a drastic change of thought. Sadly people died in those chemical attacks but in the end the optics of it will not look bad on Trump after what he did tonight. I would like to know what the long range game plan is with Syria?
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I guess I miss what you're trying to say.. Are you saying that Syrian's that are deemed inappropriate are all just good people? It's run by a dictator, you really think he would let the good people get out of that country so they could come here. Syrian was on Obama's ban list, I suspect other former Presidents as well.

Previous presidents were far more selective and targeted when using executive power on immigration authority. It's been covered pretty extensively in other threads.

I'm very simply saying that when you deny entrance to refugees from an entire country and then a month later when those same people are killed from the violence they were trying to escape and you launch 50 missiles and give a speech about how "Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children", it's very peculiar. When they're trying to enter our country we can't risk them being terrorists, but when they're dead in their own streets we can label them innocent with no hesitation.
Previous presidents were far more selective and targeted when using executive power on immigration authority. It's been covered pretty extensively in other threads.

I'm very simply saying that when you deny entrance to refugees from an entire country and then a month later when those same people are killed from the violence they were trying to escape and you launch 50 missiles and give a speech about how "Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children", it's very peculiar. When they're trying to enter our country we can't risk them being terrorists, but when they're dead in their own streets we can label them innocent with no hesitation.

Not peculiar. Dictator killed those innocents, not Trump. I get you don't like countries being banned but would you rather him not mention them? I can imagine "Trump doesn't even care." Slippery rope.