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PSN ID Thread


Cam’tn Crunch
Mar 22, 2021
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PlayStation folks, feel free to share your PSN ID here. Let's get a list together and link up on Madden/2k/etc.

My PSN is cmt2787.
Owned a PS5 since launch. It's basically a paper weight.. I haven't played Madden in a decade. I won't play NBA2k if they keep calling me MP. Change it up already. MLB the Show used to be regularly buy but lately no, RTTS is same old same old. And the hockey game blows..

That's my sport rant.
Owned a PS5 since launch. It's basically a paper weight.. I haven't played Madden in a decade. I won't play NBA2k if they keep calling me MP. Change it up already. MLB the Show used to be regularly buy but lately no, RTTS is same old same old. And the hockey game blows..

That's my sport rant.

The Show is fun if you play Diamond Dynasty, but it is very samey every year, and yeah, since EA got the exclusive NHL license, hockey games have been all downhill. Shame.
The Show is fun if you play Diamond Dynasty, but it is very samey every year, and yeah, since EA got the exclusive NHL license, hockey games have been all downhill. Shame.

DD is the only thing they seem to care about. I'm not a big of fan of t. RTTS needs some love.
DD is the only thing they seem to care about. I'm not a big of fan of t. RTTS needs some love.
Yeah, sadly that is just like EA and HUT, they only want the online, card-building, give us money mode to work right. It's the unfortunate reality of modern gaming, money first, game second.
Yeah, sadly that is just like EA and HUT, they only want the online, card-building, give us money mode to work right. It's the unfortunate reality of modern gaming, money first, game second.

The real tragedy is that EA will ruin the new NCAA football games the same way. :(
The real tragedy is that EA will ruin the new NCAA football games the same way. :(

Oh absolutely, they're destroying every sports game franchise. NHL, FIFA (sorry, EA Sports FC 24...ugh...), they're all going downhill. The only ones they put effort into are the ones they don't have exclusive licenses for, like the PGA game...it's not great, but it's decent. Because it has to be.
Oh absolutely, they're destroying every sports game franchise. NHL, FIFA (sorry, EA Sports FC 24...ugh...), they're all going downhill. The only ones they put effort into are the ones they don't have exclusive licenses for, like the PGA game...it's not great, but it's decent. Because it has to be.

Yeah, exclusive licenses need to go away. This is anti-competition and it gives us an inferior product. I miss the days of having options.
Yeah, exclusive licenses need to go away. This is anti-competition and it gives us an inferior product. I miss the days of having options.
When they had the 2K NFL game. Madden actually had to compete - game was never the same after that.
2004 we had EA NHL 2004, NHL Hitz Pro, ESPN NHL Hockey, NHL Rivals 2004 and Backyard hockey...so many options! All with NHL licenses. The lack of competition has driven down innovation and made the games stagnant and boring. The same product, year after year, and when a new console generation comes out it gets worse, as they strip the game back to basics, and then the subsequent releases tout the "new" features that are coming back from past releases. It's woeful how stagnant sports games have become with such a monopoly in place.
When they had the 2K NFL game. Madden actually had to compete - game was never the same after that.

Yeah, NFL 2K5 is the GOAT of traditional football gaming. I personally loved NFL Street, Blitz, etc too. I’d love for us to have those types of games again, but I’d say all that is a pipe dream.
Yeah, NFL 2K5 is the GOAT of traditional football gaming. I personally loved NFL Street, Blitz, etc too. I’d love for us to have those types of games again, but I’d say all that is a pipe dream.
Def. no more. I haven't played a football game since '08. MLB the Show has been bad as well, so it's been awhile on that too. EA NHL, same old same old.