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Search results

  1. Yarik

    Books or e-books?

    How do you prefer reading books? The traditional way - have the book in your hands, or have an e-book in your online library? I prefer having the book in my hands. I like collecting them on a shelf after I've read them. Plus, looking at the screen for that many hours can be bad for my eyes.
  2. Yarik

    If you had to give up music or movies...

    If you had to give up music or movies, which one would it be? That's a very tough question for me to answer. Both are very important parts of my life. I enjoy listening to music for hours every day and then watching a movie. I can't really pick one of those two. I would probably make a coin...
  3. Yarik

    Do you play late at night?

    When I was in my teenage years, I used to play video games late at night. It was very bad for my sleeping schedule, and I had to wake up super early every day. Thankfully, nowadays, I don't do that anymore. I know better not to stay up late at night because of gaming. What about you? Do you...
  4. Yarik

    How much have you spent on gaming?

    Playing video games is one of the biggest hobbies out there. Many people prefer gaming as a way to relax. For the last nearly 10 years, I have spent ~$900 on video games and additional in-game items. For some, it's a lot, for others, it's not. How much have you spent in total?
  5. Yarik

    Is there a gadget that is more versatile or practical than a computer?

    I don't think anything can replace computers nowadays. They're used for pretty much everything now. Work, banking, streaming services, gaming, and the list goes on and on. They are present in every aspect of our lives.
  6. Yarik

    What are you currently watching?

    I'm currently watching The Walking Dead. I completely enjoyed this show until season 5. That's where it became way too boring and uninteresting for me. But I won't give up on it, I hope it gets better as it goes on.
  7. Yarik

    What's your favorite streaming service?

    I also use Netflix and HBO Max. I was looking at Amazon Prime Video to watch movies and series too. It's definitely not a bad one, maybe I will switch to it soon.
  8. Yarik

    Who's your favourite wrestler?

    I have watched WWE only because of Brock Lesnar. He's my favourite wrestler, for sure. His character is probably the best one out of the entire WWE. Anyway, we all know it's scripted.
  9. Yarik

    Do you like using subtitles?

    I don't like using subtitles at all when I'm watching a movie. They only distract me from enjoying the movie, and I also don't have any problems understanding what the actors are saying.
  10. Yarik

    Would you rather...

    I have tried drinking coffee two times in my entire life. I really didn't like it, and I knew that I wouldn't like it even before trying it. So it's an easy choice for me. I would rather give up coffee than alcohol. Also to note, I don't drink much alcohol.
  11. Yarik

    What's your favorite chat messenger?

    My favourite chat messengers are Telegram and Discord. I use Telegram on my phone for quick messages to all my friends, people at work, and family members. It's the simplest and easiest one to use. On my computer, I have Discord for messages and calls when playing video games.
  12. Yarik

    Hello there

    Hello, everyone! I'm happy to join and be a part of this community. My favourite sport is basketball, I have enjoyed it since childhood. But I haven't kept up with sports that much recently due to a lack of free time. Anyway, I'm looking forward to participating in discussions!