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Big, dark money behind opposition to Merrick Garland


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
a SINGLE, anonymous donor provided $17,900,000 to a PAC to block Obama's ability to nominate a Supreme Court justice. link.

but this is okay, because unions can give money too. not anonymously though, and with full disclosure. and unions represent the interests of thousands of members, not just one guy. but it's basically the same thing.
For a while there, I would think in my head that open corruption, & bribery, and pay-for-play stuff like you see in Russia, & Eastern Europe didn't happen here in the same way.

I believed that even if some obvious quid-pro-quo went on, at least our Political leadership in the US was more subtle, and still kept the "big picture" in mind, of preserving a semblance of law and order. after a lot of these document dumps from Wikileaks & others, I see that's not the case.

If whoever gave the $17.9 million to oppose Garland wanted Gorsuch to rule one way or the other on a matter before SCOTUS, all they'd have to do is give him a call, and politely remind him of how he got there.
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Ronald Reagan said one of the worst things you could ever hear is: ?Hi, I'm with the government and I'm here to help you.?

Fast forward to present-day surreality "Hi, I'm with Citizens United, and am here to create millions of good-paying jobs from all of the tax-cuts that I've been receiving."

Imagine the hue and cry from the RW, if say Trump's pick for SCOTUS is not considered by Dems with ~11 months remaining in his term.

Wouldn't surprise me at all, if that lone mystery donor was in dispute with the IRS over a $$7 billion tax debt.
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