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How often do you check the news?


Active member
May 29, 2024
The news can be quite depressing, especially at the moment with things such as wars and politics being the main focus of the news.

I tend to check the news once or twice a day and then leave it at that, I feel better not knowing a lot of the time about the goings on unless I need to.

How often do you check the news?
I am on the internet most of the time browsing social media or browsing forums, in between those I tend to check the news every few hours to see what is going on.
I get all sorts of notifications about different things going on, so I rarely miss anything major going on in your world. I don't go out of my way to check the news though, especially local news. I don't see the purpose in finding out about a shooting, a car accident, etc.
Never. Haven't watched for 20 years. The MSM is not reporting what it needs to. It is a "fool dancing on the strings of 'big shots'" who want to herd us into virtual prisons, and too many people eagerly want to live in them.