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legit new song


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
or at least its new to me... "dangerous" by Big Data
loved it, good stuff
thanks. I was trying to remember the name of it. forgot I posted here (was a bit buzzed that night)

some of their other stuff sounds alright, but I feel like it's all going to be pretty forgettable in the end.
I liked the concept, kinda. Dumb ad campaigns & that industry in general are always worth spoofing, but I wish they wouldn't have made it quite so gory though... thought it was kinda unnecessary.
I liked the concept, kinda. Dumb ad campaigns & that industry in general are always worth spoofing, but I wish they wouldn't have made it quite so gory though... thought it was kinda unnecessary.

agree it was over the top but how could you not love a homeless lady with a sign that said "fuck you."

on a funny sidenote, i played golf in Ann Arbor and on one of the lockers I saw a hat that said "Fuck Everybody." I loved it, made my day