Have to admit that the electability of the candidates being mentioned so far leaves a little to be desired. Jeb may be the best of the lot - maybe Rubio if he can repair his rep concerning immigration. Long way to go.
much to be desired.
On the Left, things seem fairly pre-determined... HRC's presidential campaign has been doing the legwork to secure the nomination for years, and
attempts to draft a true liberal to run against her, or at least force her left have seemed to fall flat. I wish the Democrats would run someone I could bring myself to vote for.
The only question is what knucklehead the GOP will put forward to "run" against her. Rubio, Cruz, and Rand Paul can't seem to pass the "just don't completely embarass yourself every goddamn time you open your mouth" qualification.
Initially I too thought Jebber was the "more reasonable" Bush Brother (though that's not saying much). But in his dealings with the Cuban community in FL, he appears to have even more skeletons than W. Bush did with his Texas oil buddies, not to mention the whole "guilt by association" thing...
the knives have already come out for Big Fat Chris Crispie Creme. I don't seem him suriving all the inevitable scandal-mongering that will beset his campaign.
Scott Walker
seems to be picking a fight that will make him popular with the anti-intellectual/anti-education mouthbreathers. The timing doesn't really make sense otherwise.
Paul Ryan is another, but I don't think he really "tested well" during his stint as Romney's running mate.
Not sure how many of the "also rans" from 2012 would fair better this time around.