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OT - laptop recommendations


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
help i need a new personal laptop

dont' want a heavy one but would like to watch dvds on it if necessary

i use it to work at home,, surf net, do my checking and taxes etc.

any recommendations? if you have a model let me know
if you're an apple person, go with a mac.

otherwise, I'd go with Dell. I've had two Dell laptops, three if you count my work laptop, and all have been solid
yeah my work one and the one i have to replace are dells

don't want apple
a tech guy once told me that he goes with Dells because they break less often than HPs, Sonys, Acers, etc. etc.
I agree witth MC Muscles. I've had a plethora of work-issued and personally-owned laptops and Dell seems to make the most reliable machines I've had. IBM Thinkpads (Lenovo) are made in China and I have had two Thinkpads and didn't like either. But if you're not opposed to Apple, I'd go with a Mac. My wife got one for the house - internet, photos, email, etc - and it has been great.

But in the PC world my money is with Dell over the others.
That's odd, because I've had a couple of Dell's in my history, and they were pure shit. I got a Vaio a few years back, thing is a beast, huge screen, haven't had a single problem.
I had a vaio for 3 years prior to the macbook. They are big, heavy, bulky, they overheat, get virus' and crash like any other pc. Do yourself a favor and by a mac.
TheVictors03 said:
I agree witth MC Muscles. I've had a plethora of work-issued and personally-owned laptops and Dell seems to make the most reliable machines I've had. IBM Thinkpads (Lenovo) are made in China and I have had two Thinkpads and didn't like either. But if you're not opposed to Apple, I'd go with a Mac. My wife got one for the house - internet, photos, email, etc - and it has been great.

But in the PC world my money is with Dell over the others.

Uhh.. so are Dell's and pretty much any other brand. The only Dell-related brand still assembled in the US is Alienware; 95% of Dell's notebooks are assembled in China (the rest are from India or Poland).


I guess you think the iPhone is of inferior quality because it is made in China too, right?
We switched over to Dell's recently at work...I've heard quite a few complaints, but I haven't run into any trouble. I work in procurement though, and they're annoying pricks when accounts payable doesn't respond to their calls.
If you're not interested in a Mac; I got nothing. But I love my MacBook Pro.
Yeah, I have a macbook pro and love it. They're certainly more expensive but you can get them from the Computer Showcase in the union with a education discount and a 3 year warranty built in (pretty nice IMO).

But to be honest, if you're truly just using it to watch DVD's, surf the internet and basic stuff like that you could buy any $500 laptop and just replace it every couple years. Honestly, if you want longevity I'd go with a mac. It's also nice, even as a computer tech guy, to be able to walk into an apple store and hand your computer to a real person and say "fix this". They support both the software and the hardware (which is rare).
newton83 said:
TheVictors03 said:
I agree witth MC Muscles. I've had a plethora of work-issued and personally-owned laptops and Dell seems to make the most reliable machines I've had. IBM Thinkpads (Lenovo) are made in China and I have had two Thinkpads and didn't like either. But if you're not opposed to Apple, I'd go with a Mac. My wife got one for the house - internet, photos, email, etc - and it has been great.

But in the PC world my money is with Dell over the others.

Uhh.. so are Dell's and pretty much any other brand. The only Dell-related brand still assembled in the US is Alienware; 95% of Dell's notebooks are assembled in China (the rest are from India or Poland).


I guess you think the iPhone is of inferior quality because it is made in China too, right?

If you'd like, I can send you a 50 page graduate school case study on Dell and its "revolutionary" Just in Time assembly process that I wrote .....

And I don't think the iPhone is inferior because it is made in China, I think the iPhone is inferior because as a phone, it sucks. Our IT dept made the remark about Lenovo in comparison to Dell based on the overwhelmingly negative response from employees assigned the machines.

I guess you get what you pay for and Lenovo made some cheap pitch to our IT buyer and now we're stuck.

But please, tell me more about globalized manufacturing and outsourcing.....
TheVictors03 said:
newton83 said:
Uhh.. so are Dell's and pretty much any other brand. The only Dell-related brand still assembled in the US is Alienware; 95% of Dell's notebooks are assembled in China (the rest are from India or Poland).


I guess you think the iPhone is of inferior quality because it is made in China too, right?

If you'd like, I can send you a 50 page graduate school case study on Dell and its "revolutionary" Just in Time assembly process that I wrote .....

And I don't think the iPhone is inferior because it is made in China, I think the iPhone is inferior because as a phone, it sucks. Our IT dept made the remark about Lenovo in comparison to Dell based on the overwhelmingly negative response from employees assigned the machines.

I guess you get what you pay for and Lenovo made some cheap pitch to our IT buyer and now we're stuck.

But please, tell me more about globalized manufacturing and outsourcing.....

I hear you on that, the older IBM's seemed to hold up well but the recent models really are bad. The USB ports are weak and tend to break. They are almost impossible to replace because they are soldered on the system board. Dell seems to have better support when you have a problem assuming that you need to call for support.
It's like the old reliable car that starts come hell or high water vs a computerized luxury car having problems all the time ...
I'm in the market for a new laptop. Shoulda got one months ago, I just don't want to do all the work involved with picking one out.
i am like red and guilty

i have been i die hard pc user for 30 years so hard to do the mac thing - i have tried several times