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Watch: One clip shows how much Kevin Zeitler embodies grit


Legion of Fans
Feb 11, 2024
We talk about “grit” a lot when discussing the Detroit Lions. It’s the hallmark of the Brad Holmes/Dan Campbell regime and their recipe for success.

Yet grit can sometimes be hard to define. It’s a love of football that goes beyond what is expected, but it’s more than that, too. Grit involves passion and respect for the game, but that doesn’t quite sum it up either.

Sometimes it just has to be seen to know what it is. New Lions offensive guard Kevin Zeitler showed his intangible grit in a clip shared by NFL analyst (and former quarterback) Robert Griffin III.

This is grit, ladies and gentlemen…

Kevin Zeitler is the embodiment of a “bite off knee caps” type of player. The man was doing pass blocking sets at the hospital while his wife was in labor. He will fit right in there in Detroit. https://t.co/xH5uKwXvKg pic.twitter.com/LWXxURN2LF

— Robert Griffin III (@RGIII) March 18, 2024

Doing pass sets in the maternity ward while the wife is in labor? Yeah, Dan Campbell’s gonna love this guy!

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