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3 studs, 3 duds Week 2


Forum Manager
Aug 1, 2011
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Michigan Wolverines
Detroit Pistons
Week 2 Cincinnati


1. Ty Isaac - 130 yards for back to back 100 yard games. His OL didn't help and most yards were earned on his own.

2. Grant Perry - How many drive saving plays did he make? Last week, too. He's easily the most consistent wr we have.

3. Tyree Kinnel - love this guy. He got a pick 6 today and was always around the ball


1. The entire OL - no explanation needed. They sucked. Every one of them got beaten multiple times.

2. Don Brown - the play calling was excellent early on, but it seems like we just got too predictable and the D was a rollercoaster of emotion - they played fast and then flat and fast again.

3. Speight - This guy needs a reality check. If he was throwing accurately like he did pre-Iowa, we win this game by 40 but he couldn't keep his throws down and when he did, they were uncatchable.
I will change one of those, insert Tim Drevno for OLine. When you call a trap play on the goalline with a stud rb that just needs to fall forward, that says to me your head is up your ass. Goalline is bang bang. You CANNOT have your rb waiting for the fucking handoff. Also, as soon as we passed their 40yd yard line, we start passing every down just to try and fake them out with a run on 3rd. Awful day for almost everyone.
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There was a drive where we had 2nd and 3, followed by 3rd and 3 which were both incomplete passes. This was when we were running the ball fairly effectively and Speight clearly was off most of the game. Didn't understand that sequence at all.
It could be that Speight's body never full recovered from the injury...or...

His mind didn't. Could be he's got the yips. Could be, for whatever reason, he's changed his mechanics, and can't find his old form.
This is one of the things that frustrates me about Michigan; no matter the coaching staff, they've all had a habit of killing offensive drives that were working. WTF?
There was a drive where we had 2nd and 3, followed by 3rd and 3 which were both incomplete passes. This was when we were running the ball fairly effectively and Speight clearly was off most of the game. Didn't understand that sequence at all.

Same here. The playcalling was awful all day outside of maybe the first drive.
This is one of the things that frustrates me about Michigan; no matter the coaching staff, they've all had a habit of killing offensive drives that were working. WTF?

Its called outthinking yourself. Bad habits die hard.
Its called outthinking yourself. Bad habits die hard.

And yet players are eventually supposed to stop thinking and just react. Sounds like coaches should take this advice themselves to some extent. But as you said, bad habits die hard.
sub Drevno (or whoever called plays on O today) for Don Brown.

Gary plus 2 defensive scores.

People Jones.
Playcalling by both Brown and Drevino.
Online needs to be way better.
We were talking and agreed that the play calling was in Schembechler tradition of keeping playbook closed until B10 play ...as UC was not Florida, anyways.
Yeah I think throwing to the tight ends is being held until big ten season starts maybe ?Paired down play book for sure that is what coaches do. Just a observation but other then Rutgers will there be any easy wins in the big ten ? Maryland looks so mud improved . So does Purdue . Minnesota took the beavers to the woodshed last night. I'm not saying we should not beat these teams with better talent but there sure is a lot of improvement in the big ten.
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coaching in the Big Ten has improved a lot, other than Rutgers & MSU.
Speight's gotta calm down

He has the arm to make all the throws. He has elusiveness in the pocket. He obviously can read the defense(he throws to the right option 90% of the time). But dammit, his decision making is toooooo slow. On longer throws he is always about a second and a half behind or just even a split second behind. Thats why we are seeing defenders almost all the way closed in by the time the wr/te catches the 10+yd throws. Top that off with wide open dudes and the ball sailing over their head and we have recipe for the looney bin. I have no idea if he will ever come around. We saw the same from him last year and it cost us our big stage games. Here's to hoping.
does Shane Morris count as a week 2 stud?

granted... it was against Kansas, but he threw for 5 TD's. led Chips to victory.

apparently he is capable of throwing a football downfield to receivers.
does Shane Morris count as a week 2 stud?

granted... it was against Kansas, but he threw for 5 TD's. led Chips to victory.

apparently he is capable of throwing a football downfield to receivers.

We could've used Morris for our away games.......FUCK!!!!! Just kidding im glad he's doing well. He deserves it. He is a good kid that didnt luck out in the coaching category his 1st 3 years in college.
Speight and the offense have kept the opposing team in the game these first two weeks. That has got to be addressed or it is going to cost games this season. As someone else said, it may be that they don't want to show too much at this early point in the season, but I think they will need to get the ball in TI's and the tight ends hands more vs AF or it may very well be a loss.
Kinnel first Wolverine player to record a sack and have a pick 6 in the same game Since 2000. Article didn't say but I wonder if it was Curry ?
I'm wondering how much that new guy, the "passing game coordinator" plays into this. It seems like Speight is broken mentally. His arm seems to be there, he makes some great throws and then all of a sudden just lobs one 10 feet over a receiver or chucks it into the ground.

The OLine is disappointing. It seems like we have the same problems on the line every single year. Good at pass blocking but can't get that hard yard or two rushing when it's needed.