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Abdelkader gets 2 game suspension

Nothing to complain about here. It was a bad hit. It cost the Wings any chance at the game and now hurts them even more for the series. Bad decision by Abdelkader.
McCarty is off his rocker for that response. *shocked* Let's not adopt practices that help preserve the long-term health of the players. Risk aside, which they all accept, it does not mean anyone can take free shots at a player's head because he's not looking.
I would love to see Mac get his hands on Perry. I hate Perry that guy is a joke and should have gotten stomped. Also Abby's hit looked worse than it was. Dude dropped his head and Ab's elbow came up after impact and it initiated at the shoulder same thing the feet left the ground after contact. This is a poor decision. I was fine with a 5 minute but not a game misc. and also not for 2 games. This is crap.
I would love to see Mac get his hands on Perry. I hate Perry that guy is a joke and should have gotten stomped. Also Abby's hit looked worse than it was. Dude dropped his head and Ab's elbow came up after impact and it initiated at the shoulder same thing the feet left the ground after contact. This is a poor decision. I was fine with a 5 minute but not a game misc. and also not for 2 games. This is crap.

It's the result, not the intent. And my eyes tell me that JA launched himself before contact. Very difficult to leave the ground after you make contact with a player.

byco42;293795. Very difficult to leave the ground after you make contact with a player. [img said:

Thats not true. A lot of times your momentum when brining a hit will make you leave your feet because you are throwing your body weight into him.

As far as the hit, like with most things, the truth is in the middle. I don't think the hit was as bad as some people make it seem. It was not a completely clean hit either because of the head contact. It is unfortunate but sometimes hits to the head cant be avoided because both players are at fault. Here Abdelkader's hit was a little high but the Ducks D man was leaning over making a head shot more likely.
I don't think the hit was as bad as some people make it seem. It was not a completely clean hit either because of the head contact. It is unfortunate but sometimes hits to the head cant be avoided because both players are at fault. Here Abdelkader's hit was a little high but the Ducks D man was leaning over making a head shot more likely.

I fail to see how the Duck D-Man is in any way culpable for getting clocked in the head by a player who skated 60 feet out of his way and left his feet to deliver the blow, intentional or not.
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He never even hits him in the head. I have watched it a million times now and I am convinced it was all in the shoulder.
I fail to see how the Duck D-Man is in any way culpable for getting clocked in the head by a player who skated 60 feet out of his way and left his feet to deliver the blow, intentional or not.

Fault may have not been the right choice of words, i meant that i dont think Abdelkader was attempting to do that and the circumstances made the hit worse than it could have been. If the Ducks player was standing straight up the hit would not have been to the head but rather to the shoulder.
His shoulder hits the head which is a result of the dudes head being down. Heads up hockey is safe hockey. This suspension is still weak and that hit is the definition of playoff hockey. Also I wish Abs had kicked Perry's ass on the way out. because fuck that guy. The hit was high but I dont see the malicious intent its clear to me he is going for the shoulder and everything else is incidental. He got that game and that should have been it.
It's all moot, we now see how much better the team is with him in street clothes and I hope he remains in them for as long as the Wings are in the post season. The guy has the hands of a "Caution: Wet Floor" sign and he's about as useful in front of the net. It's amazing, the ripple effect of his absence improved all four lines, for at least one game.
It's all moot, we now see how much better the team is with him in street clothes and I hope he remains in them for as long as the Wings are in the post season. The guy has the hands of a "Caution: Wet Floor" sign and he's about as useful in front of the net. It's amazing, the ripple effect of his absence improved all four lines, for at least one game.

I dont think that is true at all. The Wings scored 2 goals in regulation hardly setting the world on fire. He also scored 10 goals in a shortend season placing him 5th on the team in goals (http://espn.go.com/nhl/team/stats/_/name/det/seasontype/2/cat/goals/detroit-red-wings) He is getting better in front of the net and contributes physicality to the team. The wings are very much lacking in players like him and IMO is the reason they have seemed to struggle in the playoffs recently. We all hate him but think how effective Corry Perry has been in this series in the physicality and annoyance department.

It seems you almost have a personal vendetta against Abdelkader which is fine because i have one against Samuelsson but i think it is preventing you from seeing logic in this situation.
I dont think that is true at all. The Wings scored 2 goals in regulation hardly setting the world on fire. He also scored 10 goals in a shortend season placing him 5th on the team in goals (http://espn.go.com/nhl/team/stats/_/name/det/seasontype/2/cat/goals/detroit-red-wings) He is getting better in front of the net and contributes physicality to the team. The wings are very much lacking in players like him and IMO is the reason they have seemed to struggle in the playoffs recently. We all hate him but think how effective Corry Perry has been in this series in the physicality and annoyance department.

It seems you almost have a personal vendetta against Abdelkader which is fine because i have one against Samuelsson but i think it is preventing you from seeing logic in this situation.

Not at all. No vendetta. But seeing him on line #1 is like watching a team of Malamute sled dogs share traces with a Bulldog. Tell you what: I'll wipe the slate and start fresh in my opinion of Abdelkader.
Not at all. No vendetta. But seeing him on line #1 is like watching a team of Malamute sled dogs share traces with a Bulldog. Tell you what: I'll wipe the slate and start fresh in my opinion of Abdelkader.

He's trying to work his way back into your good graces with that short handed goal byco...
He's trying to work his way back into your good graces with that short handed goal byco...

I gladly eat the feathers. That was a nice all-around effort. Great hand-eye to catch the puck and very sophisticated finish on Hiller.