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Combat Uniforms


Aug 6, 2011
I don't see what the fuss is about it all. I know it is all about the money but what do MSU fan's think about them?
I love it. The bronze is awesome. The players wanted bronze like the spartan warriors had, and it turned out great.
nah, they look pretty good. you guys should keep these. they look more spartan-ish.

call them baylor colors or USF or whatever, but you're clearly a better school than both of them.
Depends on whats on the sie of the helmet.Assuming its a green spartan?
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]nah, they look pretty good. you guys should keep these. they look more spartan-ish.

call them baylor colors or USF or whatever, but you're clearly a better school than both of them.

I think if you change the gold to black they would look pretty tight. I guess I don't know what Spartan colors are supposed to look like but the gold to me just looks to much like the aforementioned schools.
nah I wouldn't go black...black on green is a bad look to me. Green on black isn't bad though. What would you think about an all black MSU jersey and helmet with Green letter/numbers outlined in white. That would be pretty bad ass. Helmet the same way, black with a green stripe outlined in white.

Kind of like this but make it sparty green, swap the white and green and make it combat style.

Beez said:
nah I wouldn't go black...black on green is a bad look to me. Green on black isn't bad though. What would you think about an all black MSU jersey and helmet with Green letter/numbers outlined in white. That would be pretty bad ass. Helmet the same way, black with a green stripe outlined in white.

Kind of like this but make it sparty green, swap the white and green and make it combat style.


Actually, that would look good. I'm not sure about the white outline though, I would just keep the numbers and letters green. That would look better than playing with the Baylor throwbacks we got here.