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Dallas blm protest incident


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2011
Dallas shooting at blm protest

Too early to say just what happened and why but early reports are 3-6 police officers shot some believed gravely injured during a blm protest in Dallas tonight..at least two shooters one neutralized one cornered and surrender negotiations underway

And just like that Hillary comey poof out of the news cycle already less than 24 hours later..will be interested to find out who these idiots are and where this all goes, don't let the eye of "soros" get his wish for civil war.

Girl friend of recent incident that could been a factor in fomenting tensions says all lives matter

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Reports now indicating two snipers from elevated positions shot 10 officers three reported dead, two in surgery and three more ctritcal yet. Earlier reports of one suspect neutralized And the second cornered now being called into question..
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I swear that Liberals are trying to sabotage their own causes. Hate Donald Trump? Show up to his rallies, harass his supporters, try to kill him, start fights, etc. Want to end hate groups? Counter protest them, attack them with knives, sticks, rocks, and anything else you can find and try to justify your attack on free speech. Think Cops are racist? Shoot innocent ones who have literally done nothing wrong to you.

These groups always talk shit about conservatives being violent and hateful, but they've proven themselves to be much worse.

Hillary, Bernie, and that Dipshit Governor of Minnesota talking about how that black pedophile wouldn't be dead if he was white...FUCK YOU. You are the people who are tearing this country apart right now. Sadly, there is no competent Republican candidate this year or I would vote for him/her. As much as I hate Ted Cruz, Bush, and Rubio, I would vote for any of them over the shit options we have.

Now they are reporting 4 dead cops and 11 shot.
I swear that Liberals are trying to sabotage their own causes. Hate Donald Trump? Show up to his rallies, harass his supporters, try to kill him, start fights, etc. Want to end hate groups? Counter protest them, attack them with knives, sticks, rocks, and anything else you can find and try to justify your attack on free speech. Think Cops are racist? Shoot innocent ones who have literally done nothing wrong to you.

These groups always talk shit about conservatives being violent and hateful, but they've proven themselves to be much worse.

Hillary, Bernie, and that Dipshit Governor of Minnesota talking about how that black pedophile wouldn't be dead if he was white...FUCK YOU. You are the people who are tearing this country apart right now. Sadly, there is no competent Republican candidate this year or I would vote for him/her. As much as I hate Ted Cruz, Bush, and Rubio, I would vote for any of them over the shit options we have.

Now they are reporting 4 dead cops and 11 shot.

1001 people killed by U.S. police in 2015. 586 were white, 250 were black, 163 were hispanic. Source: The Guardian. So I don't understand the statements of Hill, Bern and Dip. other than mere political posturing.
before I heard the Dallas thing, there were a string of 3-4 recent police executions of african american men. some of which have been recorded and posted publicly.

to put it in context.

that's not to defend killing cops, which I obviously do not condone. the people who were protesting peacefully have a legitimate cause.
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before I heard the Dallas thing, there were a string of 3-4 recent police executions of african american men. some of which have been recorded and posted publicly.

Well at least we are aware that you suffer from SOS. (Selected Outrage Syndrome).
before I heard the Dallas thing, there were a string of 3-4 recent police executions of african american men. some of which have been recorded and posted publicly.

to put it in context.

the HUGE difference between cops killing innocent black people and what happened yesterday. The cops were doing their jobs and made a mistake (HUGE MISTAKE) when they killed those 3-4 people. They were NOT executions. Last night those people went out with the sole purpose of killing as many cops as they could. IMO there is a HUGE difference and if you don't see that you are a moron.
I think its an extreme leap to assume that the shooters in Dallas were liberals...and quite frankly Im beyond sick of people using every shooting as a political talking point.

What happened last night in Dallas was a tragedy, and was carried out by terrible, evil people. What happened in Orlando was a tragedy, and was carried out by a terrible, evil person. Why it matters what political affiliation those scum of the fucking earth lean towards is beyond me. Evil people come in all shapes and sizes, races, religion, and yes political leanings.

The fact of the matter is that this county is breaking. Our society as a whole has become unhinged and I am honestly worried for the coming weeks/months.
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1001 people killed by U.S. police in 2015. 586 were white, 250 were black, 163 were hispanic. Source: The Guardian. So I don't understand the statements of Hill, Bern and Dip. other than mere political posturing.

Two words - media coverage. White deaths by cops don't drive ratings and ignorant people like BLM run with it. And morons realize if they don't go along with it, they lose the black vote and labeled as a racist.
before I heard the Dallas thing, there were a string of 3-4 recent police executions of african american men. some of which have been recorded and posted publicly.

to put it in context.

that's not to defend killing cops, which I obviously do not condone. the people who were protesting peacefully have a legitimate cause.

Executions? For fuck's sake...Kill me. Yes, executions is the right word, because the cops decided it'd be a good career move to kill a black man in a public space. What a ridiculous comment.

How come when a white guy is killed by cops, I'm lucky to see a short mention on my local news, but a black pedophile gets killed after resisting arrest and possibly reaching for his gun, CNN and MSNBC don't stfu about it for weeks?
Two words - media coverage. White deaths by cops don't drive ratings and ignorant people like BLM run with it. And morons realize if they don't go along with it, they lose the black vote and labeled as a racist.

I agree with you on the Media aspect...its no longer about reporting an accurate story, its all about rating and 'shock factor' its a freaking disgrace the shit they report and the spin they put on it.

However, as for the number of people killed by police last year - those stats are a bit misleading...there are far more whites in the US (223Mil) than Blacks (39Mil). So in 2015 there were 2.4 deaths by police per 1 million white citizens, and 6.4 deaths per 1 million black citizens.

We can all debate 'why' this is the case (I wont get into that right now) but the facts of the matter are youre far more likely to be killed by a cop if your skin is black than if youre white.
I agree with you on the Media aspect...its no longer about reporting an accurate story, its all about rating and 'shock factor' its a freaking disgrace the shit they report and the spin they put on it.

However, as for the number of people killed by police last year - those stats are a bit misleading...there are far more whites in the US (223Mil) than Blacks (39Mil). So in 2015 there were 2.4 deaths by police per 1 million white citizens, and 6.4 deaths per 1 million black citizens.

We can all debate 'why' this is the case (I wont get into that right now) but the facts of the matter are youre far more likely to be killed by a cop if you are a criminal than if you are a law abiding citizen

You're correct Tom - but I dont think its that (for lack of a better term) 'Black and White'.

I also dont think that being a criminal is a valid excuse for being killed by a Police officer. (not that you were implying that).

Of all the videos out on the internet right now, there honestly isn't a single one where I think the killing was justified. I can assume that the Cops involved didn't leave their homes in the morning thinking 'Im going to kill me a Negro today' but in each case they made a terrible decision, and I honestly think that this country does have have an issue with police using excessive force.

I am for Police reform. I am not for Police officers being murdered. I feel badly for those families who lost their sons earlier in the week, and I feel badly for the families who lost their sons last night.

Lets just stop killing each other - ya?
Once the investigation is further along and more is learned, I think it will be shown of that these guys had combat training and skills and had been planning and coordinating this for some time, just waiting for the right moment.
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Jesus Rip to all who are dead weather they are white,black or Hispanic,Asian or Indian. Every type of shooting sets this nation back just a little more.. like tbone says we have to stop shooting and killing each other and come togther and compromise on issues.
1001 people killed by U.S. police in 2015. 586 were white, 250 were black, 163 were hispanic. Source: The Guardian. So I don't understand the statements of Hill, Bern and Dip. other than mere political posturing.

thinkprogress and the website people set up to track police killings after it was revealed the FBI was deliberately undercounting the numbers both counted nearly 1200 killings, with over 300 blacks and 200 hispanics among those killed. as tbone noted, the thing to focus on is the percentages... African Americans are ~12% of the population but are over 26% of people killed by cops (and also arrested and stopped in higher proportions than whites).

538 had an article on this as well, and reported that since the Ferguson execution of michael brown and riot, rates of police killings of americans have actually increased, with an associated increase in the disproportionate effect on blacks and hispanics.

Two words - media coverage. White deaths by cops don't drive ratings and ignorant people like BLM run with it. And morons realize if they don't go along with it, they lose the black vote and labeled as a racist.

I don't know... what media are you focusing on? there are a number of people (notably Radley Balko of te Washington Post) who follow all suspicious police killings.

and to some extent, the coverage and outrage is justified because the notable incidents are just so much more blatant and extreme. i mean... shooting a guy in the back of the head while he's facedown on the pavement, unarmed, already subdued... that's a fucking execution. that's not hyperbole here on my part.

unarmed guys running away from cops, guys with their hands up, getting taken down by multiple shots? those are executions. in no case was the officers' life -or anyone else's nearby - threatened.

and you also claim the media coverage is biased... and I agree though not in the same way you do. a lot of the coverage is biased in favor of the cops, against the victims. it's intended to whitewash unjustified killings by bringing up the victim's past, and portraying the cop in as favorable a light as possible.

don't believe me? here's an article from the HuffPo noting the descrepancies in media coverage of the Walter Scott execution in South Carolina last year BEFORE video of Officer Michael slager shooting him in the back repeatedly from distance was made public. don't want to read a Huff Po article? here's a link to the actual SC Post Courier article operating as a hit piece on the victim before video was released showing the whole cop's story was bullshit.
Well at least we are aware that you suffer from SOS. (Selected Outrage Syndrome).

I don't. the killing and wounding of police officers at a peaceful protest is a heinous crime. it's an isolated incident though. the people responsible will be caught and convicted, and (probably executed).

the unjustified police killings of unarmed and often innocent civilians, or civilians involved in what start out as non-violent police stops - have continued to go on years now, and rarely are the officers involved held accountable. sometimes they aren't even charged.

so this isn't selective outrage on my part.
...and on facebook, I see another wave of people announcing they're unfriending people that disagree with them! Do they not see that's part of the problem?!?! All this self segregation by ideology fuels extremism.