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Good Police Work/Unfair Criticism


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2011

This encounter is a perfect example of how to deescalate a situation. One of Michigan's very own Oakland County Sheriff's.

Think he is receiving a lot of shtick in the comments a bit unfairly. He responded to a call and checked out the call in that they received.

People criticize him bringing out his phone and hi fiving. All he's trying to do there is calm the guy down and it worked pretty well.
Connect with the person in any positive way possible should always be the #1 way to handle a situation, but until we first recognize the fact they are humans who will make mistakes, people will criticize Wilson and all cops despite the fact they are in a high stress job. Maybe a cop didn't sleep well, is ill, just had a high stress situation that went bad despite doing everything right by societal opinion, or a billion other factors that could cause a situation to not be resolved perfectly. Yes we gave the right to critique, but always remember we were not the ones actually living that moment and no amount of trying to put ones self in the cops shoes will ever be accurate, even if its another cop.

We oft are too quick to place undue expectations from the comfort of our living room. Not all that different with sports, other than in this people might actually be killed, not to mention so few of us have studied or trained to be a police officer.

When cops do a great job they definitely deserve praise andbwhen they don't they deserve criticism. That doesn't mean the good cop is always good or bad one is always bad, because as humans they will be both at some point. Anyone who believes they should always be good, I encourage you to wear the shield for a year and then get on your high horse to tell us all how perfect you were.