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So a few days now, how do you guys feel about the Ebron Option

Bro, don't just leave links to your articles and disappear. Participate in the discussion or don't post at all.
Bro, don't just leave links to your articles and disappear. Participate in the discussion or don't post at all.

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Dude, I'm going to be honest... I won't click on your link. We're not here to feed your Google Analytics. We're here to talk football.

If you want to join the discussion and be a part of things, I'll read your links. If you are here to lay a hit and run URL, I'm not interested. I get plenty of clicks to read from Kaline in his Team Notes thread.

Join in. Discuss with us. Be part of the conversation. We will welcome you. But I for one am not your ad revenue unless you earn it.
Well, most of us will welcome you. We have some sticklers around here.