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Stephen Hawking Pass away

RIP, Geniusman.

I'm glad he was able to get his warning out that we're all idiots who are doomed.

I figured as much, but now I won't have to spend the rest of my life wondering.
RIP, Geniusman.

I'm glad he was able to get his warning out that we're all idiots who are doomed.

I figured as much, but now I won't have to spend the rest of my life wondering.

As a young adult, he was projected to live what, another year? - and he ended up living a full long life.

Not the best example of doom.
As a young adult, he was projected to live what, another year? - and he ended up living a full long life.

Not the best example of doom.

Well, "one more year" wasn't his own prediction. he was pretty good at getting most other things right.

Except he did get divorced twice. had 3 kids with the first wife.
Well, "one more year" wasn't his own prediction. he was pretty good at getting most other things right.

Except he did get divorced twice. had 3 kids with the first wife.

Sometimes people gave him shit when he talked about things outside of physics. Of course, it wasn't his fault people took him so seriously when he voiced opinions outside of his realm of expertise.


I saw a documentary about him decades ago, and if I remember it correctly, he got grounded a lot as a kid and snuck out, and his parents kept locking the various ways he kept getting out, but he had some way to get out they could never find.
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Sometimes people gave him shit when he talked about things outside of physics. Of course, it wasn't his fault people took him so seriously when he voiced opinions outside of his realm of expertise.


I saw a documentary about him decades ago, and if I remember it correctly, he got grounded a lot as a kid and snuck out, and his parents kept locking the various ways he kept getting out, but he had some way to get out they could never find.

Do you think his parents laughed at him when he got ALS?

NOW try sneaking out of the house,' ya lil' wheel chair bound, quadriplegic fuck..."
I wonder if he lied about nobody showing up to his time traveler party.
I wonder if he lied about nobody showing up to his time traveler party.

That would be a lousy party, actually. everyone would keep bragging about the times they visited, and other people hadn't.

"Oh, you've never checked out 2233? Well, let me tell you all about it... BLA BLA BLA."
I don't remember the divorces from the movie. Or the kids either, really.
according to wikipedia:

He left his first wife to shack up with his nurse. then got sick of the nurse, divorced her, and went back to his first wife, but they never remarried.

His first wife wrote a tell all about it, and when the press asked him, he basically said "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."
That would be a lousy party, actually. everyone would keep bragging about the times they visited, and other people hadn't.

"Oh, you've never checked out 2233? Well, let me tell you all about it... BLA BLA BLA."

You are a top-shelf luddite.
I don't need anything invented after 2000. it's all shit.

Stephen Hawking would agree with me.

That's a good point. It wasn't mainstream yet, but by 2000, the optical mouse had been invented so we could transition away from those little roller balls that didn't work as well.
according to wikipedia:

He left his first wife to shack up with his nurse. then got sick of the nurse, divorced her, and went back to his first wife, but they never remarried.

His first wife wrote a tell all about it, and when the press asked him, he basically said "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."

Is the first wife the one Felicity Jones played in the movie?
Weird stats
Hawking was born on jan 8th 1942.

Hawking was born on Galilieo's death day. (JAN 8TH 1642)
Died on Einstein's birtbday. 3/14/1879.

He died March 14th 2018.