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What if


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
Notre Dame is good?

I mean, it's possible, right? I was thinking ND would take a step back this season, but what if they are good? I'm not saying they necessarily are, but what if?

feel free to do your own what ifs...
My response would be so what if they are? Are we just never supposed to beat good teams anymore? Is it too much to ask to be pleasantly surprised every now and again? Isn't that what this coach was brought here to do? Win the tough games?

It's a long season. Lots of great things can still happen for this team. I am encouraged by what appears to be improved QB play. If we can somehow someway get this OLine coached up and playing better things can be really good. We have a lot more big games on the schedule to go so that means lots of opportunities for great things.

The defense to me obviously started off awful, but got much better as the game went on. Notre Dame players did make a lot of great plays on us, and somehow we just could not get off the field on third downs to save our lives (we were so good last year at third down defense and that disappeared Saturday). That seems more like an anomaly than a trend as compared to the OLine worries. I'm willing to let the defensive lapses go for the time being.
Notre Dame is supposed to be good.

As I recall, M lost the first road game to a ranked team, Utah, in Harbaugh's debut.

The team improved and right up to near the end was considered a possible dark house to make the playoff.

I guess we'll find out if Notre Dame is good at the same time we find out if Michigan is good but had a bad night against a good season, as the season plays out.

If Michigan wins out and wins the CCG, I would say our guys are more likely than not to make the four team playoff, things, especially if Notre Dame also has a very good season.

Maybe in the playoff era a team that made the playoff went undefeated over the course of the regular seaosn, but if that happened, I can't remember it.
We will be granted reprieve if so. We went there and lost, coming up short on a game tying drive(we had plenty of time to tie). Im guessing we wont find out for 4 more weeks who's good and who's not. ND gets #10 Stanford in 4 weeks, #12 VT a week after. We get Northwestern in 4 weeks, but we get Nebraska a week before. I think Nebraska turns out to be decent, if their qb can survive injury.
What if

It was September 4 1997..

Oh what a year we would have to look forward To!!

And I would be only 36 too!
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Saw a random Buckeye poster claim that the OSU oline looked bad Warinner's 1st game there too and looked good by the end of the season.
I'm not watching Valenti, any Valenti, so you could give a recap, but the guy is an idiot and a Sparty slappy, so why bother?
I'm not watching Valenti, any Valenti, so you could give a recap, but the guy is an idiot and a Sparty slappy, so why bother?

He basically said this version of Harbaugh isn't the same harbaugh from Stanford or the Niners and that he has no idea what he's doing when it comes to calling plays. And that he should hire an O-Coordinator and not have anything to do with the offense. at all. I'm pretty sure Jedd Fisch was calling plays in '15 and '16. Thats why our offense was so much better.
Saw a random Buckeye poster claim that the OSU oline looked bad Warinner's 1st game there too and looked good by the end of the season.
They were. Of course they were loaded with talent. Problem early on was experience. They were very young.

That's why I want to see Hudson at LT. He's inexperienced, but we have a coach who can improve him. Runyan is a fish out of water at tackle.

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Why were we so excited for Patterson ? He sure didn’t look 6’2 to me.
Patterson was the least of the problems on Saturday. He's not a miracle worker.

Didn’t Valenti say he was 5’10 in his clip? Yeah he looked ok but I still made plenty of boneheaded plays. Now I hear ND knew the Snap count. Shouldn’t he see that and tell the staff so he can switch it up ? I just don’t get not going with pro style qb in McCaffrey and develop him over three years .
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Didn?t Valenti say he was 5?10 in his clip? Yeah he looked ok but I still made plenty of boneheaded plays. Now I hear ND knew the Snap count. Shouldn?t he see that and tell the staff so he can switch it up ? I just don?t get not going with pro style qb in McCaffrey and develop him over three years .

He is definitely under 6 foot tall.
Why were we so excited for Patterson ? He sure didn’t look 6’2 to me.

Edit: we weren't THAT excited. Just thinking that average QB play would have helped a lot last year.
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One caller on a radio show here in gr said today that Jim has been different since the 15 penalty called on the sidelines. He has totally changed his demeanor on the sidelines it feels, and his playcalling is really been going down hill since. Even Valenti said today that the Jim on the sidelines Saturday is not the same Jim Michigan hired. Remember how fired up he got before Stanford games? He was like that the first two years at Michigan but he changed last season. He seems so subdued now. I know it is a stretch but something is off with him, and espically the offense .. I remember trap plays verses the lions when he was at SF, and just better offensive playcalling in general.

His offense was putrid Saturday. Just freaking horrible.

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One caller on a radio show here in gr said today that Jim has been different since the 15 penalty called on the sidelines. He has totally changed his demeanor on the sidelines it feels, and his playcalling is really been going down hill since. Even Valenti said today that the Jim on the sidelines Saturday is not the same Jim Michigan hired. Remember how fired up he got before Stanford games? He was like that the first two years at Michigan but he changed last season. He seems so subdued now. I know it is a stretch but something is off with him, and espically the offense .. I remember trap plays verses the lions when he was at SF, and just better offensive playcalling in general.

His offense was putrid Saturday. Just freaking horrible.


Is the astronomy picture of the day metaphorically and figuratively symbolic of the philosophical and psychological dilemma within which Harbaugh now finds himself, not unlike those of Hamlet, McBeth, Lear and Othello?

Or did you simply just post it to the wrong thread?
Just listened to the Valenti video.

I guess my reaction is what the hell is he saying different from anything anybody is saying here?