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X-Files back tonight


Aug 6, 2011
10 pm on Fox..I am looking forward to seeing old Fox and Dana tonight...Just a 6 part short series 14 years since we have seen the show and characters..
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I did It was plenty of good stuff in the original. I am hooked again it will be easy to watch 6 new episodes..
I'm in the middle of it now...As entertaining as it is, I worry that this show just makes more conspiracy theorists. It's bad enough already. That said, I'll be watching all 6.
They still hate each other.

Duchovny and Anderson.

Hate hate hate hate hate.

My guess is they actually shoot scenes with body doubles from behind when the two characters are supposed to be speaking.
Great stuff. I was a huge X-Files fan back in the day, minus the last few seasons with Doggett. It got too off the rails for me.

But this episode got right into the heart of what the show is about. Conspiracy, aliens, the whole nine.
They still hate each other.

Duchovny and Anderson.

Hate hate hate hate hate.

My guess is they actually shoot scenes with body doubles from behind when the two characters are supposed to be speaking.

They're included on this list of co-stars who famously disliked each other.
Huh? How bad TV USED to be? How about now?

X-Files was one of the best rated shows of all time. It was legit stuff. If you sci-fi, X-Files is one of the best.
Huh? How bad TV USED to be? How about now?

X-Files was one of the best rated shows of all time. It was legit stuff. If you sci-fi, X-Files is one of the best.

Umm, are you suggesting TV has gotten worse? Unless you're a huge fan of the multi-camera laughtrack sitcom and the generic storyline in every one, tv nowadays shits on what it was.

I mean, maybe if you only pay attention to, and watch, shit shows, sure. There is a lot of garbage coming out now, the quantity of shows coming out all but ensures that.

But if you actually watch the shows that are good, it's laughable how bad tv shows used to be in comparison. The quality of shows in the last 10-15 years is far and away better than it's ever been.

It's pretty well accepted that 2000-present is the golden age of television.
X-Files were very good the 90's. I was a tad disappointment in the new xfiles but it was not terrible .
Umm, are you suggesting TV has gotten worse? Unless you're a huge fan of the multi-camera laughtrack sitcom and the generic storyline in every one, tv nowadays shits on what it was.

You're in a thread about a sci-fi/drama yapping about bad sitcoms. Every era has it's good and bad shows.

...the quantity of shows coming out all but ensures that.

But if you actually watch the shows that are good, it's laughable how bad tv shows used to be in comparison.

One could use the logic that the quantity of shows coming out also ensures that there will be more good shows.
Yeah. I could argue that this generation of TV is some of the worst we've ever seen. From American Idol, to all of the comedies that don't even come close to stacking up to the likes of Seinfeld, to absolute garbage sci-fi, to horrible reality TV.

You never see shows like X-Files or Twilight Zone anymore. It's all CGI-animated garbage.
Really not missing out.

X-Files' popularity just goes to show you how bad tv used to be.

Crack rock!

I didn't see X-Files when it was out; I watched on Netflix. Granted, I only watched the better 50% of the series, but it was great.
Yeah. I could argue that this generation of TV is some of the worst we've ever seen. From American Idol, to all of the comedies that don't even come close to stacking up to the likes of Seinfeld, to absolute garbage sci-fi, to horrible reality TV.

You never see shows like X-Files or Twilight Zone anymore. It's all CGI-animated garbage.

And you'd be laughably wrong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Age_of_Television_(2000s?present)

It's well accepted that we are in a golden age of television.
Accepted by who? A few opinion pieces?

There's definitely more AVAILABILITY today, but that doesn't speak about quality. This is something very hard to quantify, but there is a ton, a TON of garbage tv on today. People have been cutting cable at alarming rates because of cost and the fact there are only a few things they want to watch (steaming movies, sports).
I don't think you should judge by the crap. There's always crap and I'm sure there's more crap now than there ever has been just because there's more of everything now.

TV was great in the past, but it was handcuffed by the requirement to have broad appeal. Cable didn't kill that requirement overnight just by adding channels, but with the internet and cheaper than ever digital tools, you can now make money with a show that only hooks a few million people. So now, there's a lot more variety and a good chance that something out there aligns to your personal tastes.

I wouldn't mind seeing a new 6 episode series revisiting Magnum PI.
No doubt, there will always be crap. I think it's silly to say this or that generation is so much better than another. There's a lot more today for everyone, but that means there is SO much more crap. Just my opinion, but reality TV has really hamstrung quality because it is incredibly frequent and it dominates the market.

But to the initial point, saying X-Files being popular shows how bad TV is, that's just a really poor statement. X-Files is the most iconic sci-fi show of all time, and it really isn't all that close. People love Twilight Zone, but more so because it was a trend-setter. X-Files had some of the most gripping episodes you'll ever see.