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2014 College Football Pick'ems - Yahoo


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2011
It's that time of year again.

Group id# is 471
Password is 109901

Last years results:

1 TinselWolverine 168 168-131
1 easye688 168 168-131

2 TheWolverines24 163 163-136

3 MichFan78 162 162-137

Co-fourth place
4 Lostleader 159 159-140
4 allshouldbleedblue 159 159-140

Tri-co-fifth place
5 B311J 157 157-142
5 GoBlueInAtlanta 157 157-142
5 Last Place 157 157-142

6 No Clue 155 155-144
7 icepick1982 154 154-145
8 Hungry 151 151-148
9 KAWDUP 150 150-149
10 Kick Your Damn FG 149 149-150
Can I get an Admin sticky for this thread too please?
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All settings are the same as the last few years
-picking with spreads
-no confidence points
-picking Top 25 and B1G games
-picks are due due 5 minutes before each game
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Is there a default pick (favorite or underdog) if you don't get a pick in on time or do you just get nothing for that game?
You would get nothing for that game.

Another first timer question - In post 5 of this thread it says we have to make picks with the spread. I just joined and it looks like I can make picks but there are no spreads. Do those get loaded later or should I be looking somewhere else for official lines?
Another first timer question - In post 5 of this thread it says we have to make picks with the spread. I just joined and it looks like I can make picks but there are no spreads. Do those get loaded later or should I be looking somewhere else for official lines?

The spreads will show up with the picks. Sometimes they are not visible until later in the week.
Won't let me in....password still 109901?

Aw fuck.

What's the good of a password if it's not secret?

As a kid I bet you were really popular with the little girls when it came to giving them access to the boys only tree fort.