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Annoying if played music


Mar 31, 2024
What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?

office space stapler GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Car brake pad noise. God!! The noise drives me insane. I can't stand it at all. It gives me goosebumps.
I would have to say a vehicle. If every time the vehicle was driven it resulted in music being played, I believe that would be unpleasant for anyone who had to deal with it.
This is a good question and there are a lot of inanimate items I feel would be annoying if they played music.

One thing that comes to mind is a door. When you open and close a door, if it played music, I would imagine that would get annoying after a while.
I would have to say a kettle. Could you imagine boiling a kettle and it plays music every time? I know that would annoy me after a while.

Another one would be a computer mouse, if that played music as it was being used.