Well I am, so feel free to leave that question to someone like... me? You'll stop some. I don't think you fully understand the scope of issues that would have to be addressed. People say "we have to fix mental health to solve the gun issue." Got some magic pills or something lying around? Mental health is a comprehensive, lifelong thing for each person.
Because it's 2018. That's the paranoia that people live on who live through the 2nd amendment. We've evolved enough as a country where our government is not a dictatorship. It will never turn into one, there's too much knowledge today. The government isn't going to collect all of our guns and then turn on us.
48 more to go, but didn't feel like giving them all to you.
Stop acting like America is so freaking unique and special compared to other countries. People are people. Those countries just had the foresight to try something. Yeah I get it, they have other crimes (which is always the immediate response).
The amount that the NRA gives for lobbying means dick. The amount that they give to the US Senators who are the ones pulling the strings for the rebpulicans, that's what you need to pay attention to.
Here's the bottom line. People don't need AR-15s. People don't need assault rifles. They are designed for the military and require EXTENSIVE use to handle. And your only argument against that is "Well, the government might rise up in 1000 years and take us down." Share your paranoia with the thousands of families that will be never the same. See how they take it.