it's a pretty minor city ordinance. if you read the actual seattle times article, it seems like less of a big deal:
Under the new rules, collectors can take a cursory look each time they dump trash into a garbage truck.
If they see compostable items make up 10 percent or more of the trash, they?ll enter the violation into a computer system their trucks already carry, and will leave a ticket on the garbage bin that says to expect a $1 fine on the next garbage bill.
Apartment buildings and businesses will be subject to the same 10 percent threshold but will get two warnings before they are fined. A third violation will result in a $50 fine. Dumpsters there will be checked by inspectors on a random basis.
apocalypse? strong word for a silly municipal law, and if enough people complain, they'll probably stop enforcing it, if not repeal it, but whatever... we know, we know... liberals... nanny-state! hate freedom, bad, bad bad. See? Conservatives right, Liberals wrong, vote Republican, derr derr derr. You can drive to Walmart, buy an assault rifle, and fill your trunk up with all the processed food, cheap beer, and plastic junk from China you can afford. Then watch NASCAR, Fox News, and pro wrestling every night, and that means you're FREE.