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Cade got paid

Typical money for an NBA player. The contracts in basketball are through the roof.
Typical money for an NBA player. The contracts in basketball are through the roof.
Agreed. If he takes a big step with his play then it might end up being a bargain. They're gonna need to finally get some talent around him though for that though.
They have to give him this deal. It is what it is. He’s the future.
Talk about getting paid, Jayson Tatum $315 million over five years.

Yep, and Derrick White got a good chunk of money from Boston the day before. Guess that's why it's not totally surprising that they also announced they're selling the franchise yesterday.
Yep, and Derrick White got a good chunk of money from Boston the day before. Guess that's why it's not totally surprising that they also announced they're selling the franchise yesterday.
Can't blame him. Bought for $360 mill now estimated at $4.7 bill.