So are "we" going to pay for the last 20yrs of denying that climate change, aka "global warming" has been taking place? FoxNews and so many other right media machines cranking out denial and for what..? I guess for money?! Because if we acknowledged the truth it would be an uncomfortable conversation and cost money to do things right.
Flooding coast lines, drought and famine and escalating violence over scarcity of resources ...that was a fucking HS debate topic in the '90's and projections of "worst case scenario" 20yrs ago now are not worst case but simply ...the case.
I would link some article I googled but do I really have to?
I've read a few of the projections over the last couple months, and it's pretty horrifying... even more so because I have a kid now.
the oil/fossil fuels lobby is probably the most powerful force on earth, and they are not nice people. making the accommodations necessary to curb the increase in temperatures would seriously crimp their profits... and they simply won't let that happen.
I read
this book late last year... many of the societies that collapsed did so because the elites that governed them kept pushing their own personal interests until the very end (Mayas, Anasazi, Easter Island, Vikings on Greenland). as things ended, it just meant they had the "privilege" of being the last ones to starve.
deforestation (Easter Island, and parts of Greenland were completely deforested) was a common thread throughout the collapses as well, and the question the author said he was often asked was "
what the hell was the guy who cut down the last tree thinking?" The answer is usually that the change is gradual enough that this guy didn't see how the forest had decreased over time. He also would've had no idea it was the last tree because people only see what's in front of them. he would've assumed there were more trees somewhere else on the island or region.
all these factors are present in the current world, and the truly insane thing is that they are occurring on a planet-wide level; prior collapses were local, and were accommodated somewhat because people could simply move away, or receive outside aid. But there really are few areas to go as things spiral out of control.
Assuming enough records of our modern industrial society survive,
and future generations are intelligent enough to make sense of what happened, they'll probably wonder how we could've allowed the fossil fuel industry to completely dictate so much of our daily lives... from our transportation system, to how we spend public money to subsidize the industry... and why the industry would fail to recognize its own folly and change when things started to become apparent, instead of spending more of their own money to lobby to ensure they could continue doing business as usual until the end.
buying an island in a lake somewhere in Saskatchewan, and having the muscle to keep other people off it is probably going to be a winning strategy.