Apparently most RWers just can't stand being exposed for what they really are by one of their own, who needed a security detail as protection when leaving after giving her speech...that's pretty fucked
I've read some of Mona Charen's submissions on Grover Norquist's Townhall website in the past, and while most of her political opinions I strongly disagree with, at least she isn't as batshit crazy as most of the others who have articles posted there, like Rev Doug Giles.
I tried to find Mona Charen on Grover Norquist Town Hall, but I only found something about Jesse Helms from 2001.
Norquist got the boot from being relevant, as I expected would happen, right at the time of the so called "fiscal cliff."
After running around the country, threatening to "primary" any Republican who would be in favor of raising the top marginal tax rate, the top marginal tax rate went up anyway, like it was going to do under the law as it had been written.
Only fucking morons didn't know that that was going to happen anyway, which is pretty much everybody.
That includes, by the way, all the idiots in the media, who seemed to be unaware at the time that Norquist was selling his horseshit what the actual fucking tax law was, and kept putting Norquist on television as if anything he had to say actually mattered.
And then, after the top marginal tax rate went up under the like it was going to anyway, regardless of whether any seated Republican at the time would have voted for it or not, Norquist then went around trying to take credit for locking in a lower marginal tax rate for everybody below the top marginal rate - which is exactly the result that he had been running around threatening to primary more moderate seated Republicans from considering - it was going to happen anyway!!!
What a fucking jackoff.
I'm glad that asshole is gone.
Fucking charlatan.
I'm glad Barbara Boxer is gone too; don't get me started on her; she was a charlatan too.
Kamala Harris probably isn't much better.
Here in liberal Kali, Republicans are no longer allowed to run in the general election for statewide office.
It's now a runoff between the top two vote receiving Democrats.
Harris beat an actually pretty moderate Democrat whom I've always liked, Loretta Sanchez from the OC.
Years ago - maybe 20 years ago - she beat a far right wing nut job Bob Dornan in a pretty conservative district in the OC, I think in Santa Ana, or something.
Sanchez was actually a member of the Blue Dog Democrat caucus when she was in the House of Representatives.
Obama came out and endorsed the "sistah" - against another Democrat.
Not that I much give a fuck, but I think if two members of the same party are running against each other in a general election, anybody else in the same party should stay neutral.
That said; I'm not a member of the Democrat party, but if I had voted in the last election, I would have voted for Sanchez.
There were those who alluded to the possibility that racism might have played a part in Obama's endorsement - who knows?
Anyways, Sanchez didn't have a chance.