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Do you have any plans for summer 2024?


Active member
Mar 19, 2024
2024 is flying by, we are just a day away from May and only one month away from being halfway through the year, it is crazy to sit back and realize just how fast things are going.

Due to how fast the year is flying by, many will choose to make plans now rather than leave it until the last minute for summer.

Do you have any plans for summer 2024?
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Can't say that I have any plans for the summer this year. If the circumstances were different, I may have had some plans but sadly they aren't so my summer will probbaly be spent in the air conditioning, trying to stay cool, as it usually is.
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I’m hoping to go kayaking a lot more frequently than we did last year. Have a better work schedule now, so hoping we can get out on the water once every week or two.
Honestly, I don't have much things to go on for now but working on completing my family's house comes on top of the list. I might probably get more beach 🏖 time this summer.
I will be taking summer as it comes this year. I always find that if I plan things, the weather either ends up awful or something comes up and we have to cancel.

Hoping the weather is good this summer as I would love to get out more this summer.
This is the time of year I stay in more.. 100+ every day - air condition is your friend.
No solid plans yet for summer 2024 but I am hoping to have some days out when the weather is nice.

Would love to go on holiday like we have in the past but this year that is not feasible which is a shame.