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DSF Fantasy Football League


Cam’tn Crunch
Mar 22, 2021
Nashville Sounds
Cleveland Cavaliers
Nashville Kats
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nashville Predators
Tampa Bay Rays
Nashville SC
Vanderbilt Commodores
Hi guys,

I figured I'd start an official DetroitSportsForum.com fantasy football league over on ESPN.com for 2024. My goal is to make this a keeper league, so we can keep renewing this year over year. This is a for fun league, so there's no buy in or anything like that. I am going to throw a small prize towards the league winner though, just to keep things interesting. At the moment, I'm thinking a $25 Fanatics.com gift card? That's not a whole lot, but it's a enough of an incentive to buy a t-shirt or something over there.

Here's the invite link: Fantasy Football Join - ESPN
I've opened this up to my SidelineCoverage.com crew as well. Hoping to have a very big league that we can turn into a keeper league and keep it going year after year.