the perception problem here is that Wall St is to blame for the recession and loss of jobs in the first place. Of course champ will never blame the government for anything (other than anything he can link to Bush and Cheney via however many degrees of separation) but it was Barney Frank, Schumer and their cronies that set the whole thing up in the first place. Congress literally made wall st create products for high risk borrowers to buy houses - even as John Snow was testifying that Fannie and Freddie were already WAY too big and needed to be reigned in. Barney Frank actually laughed in his face then pushed through legislation that made them even bigger. Greenspan also warned about Fannie and Freddie well before the crisis and McCain of all people, introduced legislation for tougher regulation of the GSEs. All were either ignored or completely shot down. And who were the main figures in Congress pointing the finger at the banks? Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer, of course. Then those scumbags poured billions of taxpayer dollars into bank bailouts. After Congress, wall st is no more to blame than the American people who took out liar loans, interest only and floating rate products they didn't care to understand to buy houses they could never afford - even after they lost half their value in the crash.