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Good Stafford / Bad Stafford


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
I thought he was WORLD'S better than what we saw the last couple weeks.

But we still basically had no running game (Other than Stafford, lol)


I saw a lot of "Oh we suck cuz there's no threat of a running game" talk all week, I saw a couple things this week that were better from him in spite of no running game

1. He stayed in the pocket.

Whenever he runs all over, and goes into panick mode, and tries to be Aaron Rogers bad things happen. Obviously he's made some plays scrambling - that isn't my point - just that when he stays in the pocket he does his best work.

2. He stepped into his throws

Two things happen. Firstly he's more accurate which has obviousy results - the CJ long TD when he beat Champ was about as perfect a throw on that route as you can make. But not just that throw - the short stuff was working too before that which is really what opened up that throw. Secodly, the protection was better because the Tackles knew where Matt was. When he's drifting back and running away, they don't know where he is - they have their back to him. When he's stationary, it's actually easier for the Tackles to shove their guy downfield.

3. Started Fast

You always hear about how they want to start fast and that's what they finally did again. It makes everybody's job easier when you come out and drop a quick 17 points and make Tebow have to win by throwing the ball - which was clearly not his strength

All in all I thought he played well. I have little to bitch about at this point.

Except my Comcast went out about halftime, and the 2nd half was almost unwatchable. Had to catch the game at a buddies on DVR which I was real happy about...
Denver didn't play that umbrella that SF and ATL played...they blitzed a helluva lot and Matt picked it up as well as the OLINE , they got others involved early ( Titus , Nate , Scheffler ) and Linehan moved CJ all over the place after the 1st quarter...

he didn't play bad against SF or Atl , check his numbers out....he just didn't play outstanding like some expect they will see every week out of him.

people have to remmeber this is really his first full season.
p.s look at the tape on the CJ long throw...he threw it off the back foot.
Morris had a nice game. We ran the ball well until we went conservative.
Don't you mean that he actually had a pocket to throw out of Bomber? When the offensive line blocks and is not allowing free rushing DE's or LB's and Stafford has time to throw he does well...When he snaps the ball and can barely even get his feet set with a 3 step drop he does not do so well.
SLICK said:
p.s look at the tape on the CJ long throw...he threw it off the back foot.

He gets that left foot down, doesn't he?
The Mad Bomber said:
SLICK said:
p.s look at the tape on the CJ long throw...he threw it off the back foot.

He gets that left foot down, doesn't he?

he throws it going backwards ya fucking moron....its all arm
Not that this is really the point of this post, but since shit bird Canuck decided to sling out "fucking moron" I feel it's my duty to remind you, dick head, that you might be able to get away with that shit with some of the sheds on this site, but with me you better fucking back up your mouth or I will call you out.

1. Here we see just before the ball is released, does he look to be falling back to you? Because to me, it looks like he's standing flat footed.


2. Here is about 1/16th of a second later where his left foot - the front foot? Anybody? Is actually planted in the ground and his back foot - you know, the one you said he threw off of - just after you called me a "fucking moron" - is coming off the ground...

Nice try "Pipe"


But wait, there's more

3. Here you see him a half second later where the momentum of sticking his left foot in the ground actually caused his back foot - you know the one you said he threw off of - to carry in front of his body.


4. Result:


Next time you want to sling dirt, make sure you don't end up with a big dick in your mouth and do some fucking research

Back off me bitch.

Now back on point:

Yeah, I hear that the Offensive Line played a better game. No doubt. I'm still not completely convinced the reason Matt was under siege the last 2 weeks was just bad Line play. You saw him drifting back away from the play a lot and it makes the Tackles' job of pushing their guy upfield a lot more difficult - so it was good to see him get back to throwing in the pocket and stepping up. Made everybody's life easier.

And Mo did alright running, he didn't do any more though than he did last week so not buying he was the reason.

I think it was more about him being accurate early and - lets be honest, the blown coverage on Titus was a momentum changer for sure.

But to follow that one up with a 9 play FG drive, an 8 play TD drive, and a 7 play TD drive, it was over early. Those long drives by the way, were the knock on the Lions for the last 2 weeks. San Fran and Atlanta took the big plays away, and we couldn't sustain anything.
No for real it was off his back foot. He was walking backwards and threw it if you watch the tape and not look at screenshots. aka off his back foot. i'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but from my knowledge that's considered throwing off your back foot unless i'm mistaken. which is possible
hankpav53 said:
No for real it was off his back foot. He was walking backwards and threw it if you watch the tape and not look at screenshots. aka off his back foot. i'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but from my knowledge that's considered throwing off your back foot unless i'm mistaken. which is possible

You're mistaken.

He plants his left foot, and contorts his entire body causing his "back foot" to flail in front of him. It's basic throwing momenum. Same thing you see when Derek Jeter does his jump throw in the hole. You smash your front foot in the ground, your moment still carries your body backwards, but your shift all forward enery into the ball.

Action creates reaction. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The action is him stopping on front foot, he throws the ball, and that motion makes him go backwards.

If you throw off your back foot, your front foot goes in the air - clearly doesn't happen here;

Also not the point of this thread. Slick just touched a nerve, lol
The Mad Bomber said:
hankpav53 said:
No for real it was off his back foot. He was walking backwards and threw it if you watch the tape and not look at screenshots. aka off his back foot. i'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but from my knowledge that's considered throwing off your back foot unless i'm mistaken. which is possible

You're mistaken.

He plants his left foot, and contorts his entire body causing his "back foot" to flail in front of him. It's basic throwing momenum. Same thing you see when Derek Jeter does his jump throw in the hole. You smash your front foot in the ground, your moment still carries your body backwards, but your shift all forward enery into the ball.

Action creates reaction. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The action is him stopping on front foot, he throws the ball, and that motion makes him go backwards.

If you throw off your back foot, your front foot goes in the air - clearly doesn't happen here;

Also not the point of this thread. Slick just touched a nerve, lol

good work bomber, but i too believe he threw off of his back foot as well......you have to watch the play in live action to truly see it.
but still nice work though.........hell, i laughed.
Here is Denard throwing off his back foot. Notice how his left foot (plant foot) comes off the ground to keep his body balanced.


That clearly doesn't happen with Stafford, no matter how you look at it - video, or frame by frame.

There's no question he was moving backwards, but he stops his backwards motion, plants his left foot and throw the ball all at once.

I'm not saying he could get 70 yards with that motion - I'm not saying he stepped into it like he does here:


All I'm saying is he didn't do this:

honestly that guy that says it in the video is a huge bitch though.. all he does is smack talk the lions.. fuck him
The Mad Bomber said:
Who cares lol

just tryin' to pay you a compliment, man......but to get back to the play for just a sec.......when you fast forward the footage pav provided to the 2:10 mark, you can really see staff DID throw off of the back foot......it's just that he had such a great base and a rocket for an arm, you can barely tell. this probably wasn't by accident, maybe that's how he got such great touch on the pass. don't be surprised if we happen to see him toss the ball deep this way again....
He threw it off his back foot. Plain as day. Still shots dnt tell me a thing.

Back on topic, they did run well today. Morris went like 4.5 YPC and the other guy did pretty well to. First down runs too.
If he's not "stepping into" the throw or "drifting" back while making the throw, then what the fuck is he doing? ...lol. Honest question, right?

To me, it looked like he was drifting back while he made the throw. He has such a quick and powerful delivery that it looks like he is planting his foot at times. I even made a comment to the future wife after he threw it. It wasn't a nice comment either. One of those, " what the fuck was that?" comments. Meanwhile, CJ was streaking down the sidelines and it was thrown with pinpoint accuracy. That's the thing with Stafford. He has the "ability" to get away with throws like that at times. He reminds me of Favre and we all know #4 made a living at it for 20 years. Hopefully Stafford does too....