Here's the memo:
I think they should have found something short of firing him. Firing him kind of proves his point. Out of context and not considering the citations as further context, he said things that sound like advancing gender stereotypes, but most of what he said did have citations and caveats - he probably isn't even wrong.
When I first read about this story, I thought to myself, "oh great another techbro "mens rights activist" tool wrote a pseudo-intellectual piece about women/minorities making it harder for him to get ahead (remind me who has an "entitlement problem" again?)
Then when I saw he got fired for it, I knew all the whining from the Right about "PC liberalism in Silicon Valley" would be extreme. and from the looks of twitter, this was accurate.
Then I read your tepid endorsement of it, I thought, maybe I was wrong? Maybe this is unfair? it would certainly be possible. I mean, google is a pretty nasty place, and engages in all sorts of egregious privacy practices with our personal data, anti-competitive behavior, and hordes piles of cash in tax shelters. (but because they don't openly condone firing and murdering gay people, they're "liberal" according to some). maybe this guy was calling that out?
Then after I read his article, I thought to myself "nope, I was right."
depending on how young he is, he may or may not have deserved to be fired. But then again, I wouldn't be surprised to learn something else prompted this, like a bad performance review(?), and he decided to write this memo and go out in a blaze of glory (an incredibly pathetic and lame blaze of glory).
kinda reminds me of a place I worked that had a bunch of company sponsored networking organizations, most of which were gender or racial, but some (young professionals) were open to all. there was also one for military vets. now the place was MOSTLY white males, and most of the executives and board of directors were all rich, extremely conservative white males... yet I had a coworker (white & male) who walked out of the orientation bitching about how there was no organization for "people like him." again with the sense of entitlement...
just go out for drinks after work... chances are you'll be with all other white guys, and you can network that way. and I'm sure all the execs and management thinks like you do, so you'll be fine in the end, crybaby.