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gun nut gets killed by gun

bet it was robbery.

kinda reminds me of that story from earlier in Obama's first term in PA... some gun nuts killed a gun nut lawyer in order to get his gun, an assault rifle with a customized silencer. they just shot him while he was at the range shooting it.

if you can't trust violent, anti-government, gun nut freaks, with a delusional sense of purpose and inflated sense of self-image that allows them to justify homicide in furtherance of their cause... then who can you trust?
Knowing the shit they do on FPSRussia, I'm willing to bet it was an accident, and people just panicked and ran.

The Latest FPSRussia vid showed him (Meyers/Dmitri) shooting some binary explosive in an old pickup truck, in which he barely missed getting creamed by a huge chunk of flying shrapnel.

The fact is if you watch a few of those video's you realize these idiots are anything but safe when they handle their stuff, and put on displays.

If it was a robbery, why would they leave all the $1000's of dollars of guns behind?

I still think it was a redneck accident, or Darwinism, depending on how you choose to look at it.
bet it was robbery.

kinda reminds me of that story from earlier in Obama's first term in PA... some gun nuts killed a gun nut lawyer in order to get his gun, an assault rifle with a customized silencer. they just shot him while he was at the range shooting it.

if you can't trust violent, anti-government, gun nut freaks, with a delusional sense of purpose and inflated sense of self-image that allows them to justify homicide in furtherance of their cause... then who can you trust?

The government. Obviously. If you can't trust gun nuts, that proves you should have blind faith that the government is never wrong.

If it was a robbery, why would they leave all the $1000's of dollars of guns behind?

I still think it was a redneck accident, or Darwinism, depending on how you choose to look at it.

oh. good point.

redneck accident, I would wager.

or maybe they thought he was a government informant or something.

from some of the stuff I've read, the militia types are almost on the boil from all this talk about "gun control."
The government. Obviously. If you can't trust gun nuts, that proves you should have blind faith that the government is never wrong.

You know Flo? the kind of goofy blue-eyed broad on the Progressive Insurance commercials?

That's who I would trust.
You know Flo? the kind of goofy blue-eyed broad on the Progressive Insurance commercials?

That's who I would trust.

People like that, with that super perky and bubbly exterior, always worry me the most.

They seem most likely to snap.
Sounds like the "Global Warming" alarmist who froze to death!

oh wait, that was an Onion article that FoxNews ran with as legit for a day before realizing it was a joke.
check this out: I thought of making another thread "gun nut gets guns taken away" but I guess I can post it here. link. what a dumbfuck.
Just happened again... these gun nuts are wiping eachother out.

this time some gun nut killed a former Navy SEAL gun nut who wrote a book about killing people from long distances away, and another guy at a gun range in Texas, then tried to drive away in their pickup truck.

everyone involved sounds like a mega-douche (except for Jesse Ventura):
Kyle wrote the best-selling book, "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History," detailing his 150-plus kills of insurgents from 1999 to 2009.

Kyle was sued by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura over a portion of the book that claims Kyle punched Ventura in a 2006 bar fight over unpatriotic remarks. Ventura says the punch never happened and that the claim by Kyle defamed him.

If these gun all kill each other off, who will be left to defend the 2nd Amendment?
Just happened again... these gun nuts are wiping eachother out.

this time some gun nut killed a former Navy SEAL gun nut who wrote a book about killing people from long distances away, and another guy at a gun range in Texas, then tried to drive away in their pickup truck.

everyone involved sounds like a mega-douche (except for Jesse Ventura):
Kyle wrote the best-selling book, "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History," detailing his 150-plus kills of insurgents from 1999 to 2009.

Kyle was sued by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura over a portion of the book that claims Kyle punched Ventura in a 2006 bar fight over unpatriotic remarks. Ventura says the punch never happened and that the claim by Kyle defamed him.

NSBNC could not have stated this any differently. Or as inaccurately in regards to the character of the people killed. But, it's all about the guns anyway, what do the people matter, especially when they own them?
whatever type of weapon was used in these killings should be the next weapon type to be banned. what were they killed with, pistols? damn things should be banned just like assault rifles. in fact, ban all weapons and ammunition, dammit!!!! swords and knives, bows and arrows, slingshots and their rocks, clubs and jawbones...get rid of 'em all before they cause harm to anyone ever again!!! beat our swords into plowshares and finally the Messiah will come, Blessed be He!

i bet michchamp never realized his views are so in line with extreme religious zealots! ROFLMAO!!!!
Just happened again... these gun nuts are wiping eachother out.

this time some gun nut killed a former Navy SEAL gun nut who wrote a book about killing people from long distances away, and another guy at a gun range in Texas, then tried to drive away in their pickup truck.

everyone involved sounds like a mega-douche (except for Jesse Ventura):
Kyle wrote the best-selling book, "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History," detailing his 150-plus kills of insurgents from 1999 to 2009.

Kyle was sued by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura over a portion of the book that claims Kyle punched Ventura in a 2006 bar fight over unpatriotic remarks. Ventura says the punch never happened and that the claim by Kyle defamed him.

Sorry, but I have to call you out on this. Some "gun nut"?? He was a Marine veteran suffering from PTSD, not some gun nut as you like to put it. Have some f-ing respect for our military veterans.
Let's begin with the fact that it's a job someone has to do and you are not doing it. For starters.

Was hoping oletoes could we go back a step before that and maybe wonder why there were insurgents attacking US forces in Iraq? Maybe even one more step and wonder why exactly US forces were in Iraq, before we jump to the conclusion that this was that someone needed to do.
Was hoping oletoes could we go back a step before that and maybe wonder why there were insurgents attacking US forces in Iraq? Maybe even one more step and wonder why exactly US forces were in Iraq, before we jump to the conclusion that this was that someone needed to do.

Whichever way you want to argue the causes, the Marine didn't have any say in making it that way...other than his vote, of course.
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