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If you had to give up music or movies...


Apr 30, 2024
If you had to give up music or movies, which one would it be?

That's a very tough question for me to answer. Both are very important parts of my life. I enjoy listening to music for hours every day and then watching a movie. I can't really pick one of those two. I would probably make a coin flip and decide that way.
This is an easy one for me. I have been a huge music lover since I was young and music is something I still to this day listen to each day without fail. I find music helps motivate me, lifts my mood and is just great.

Movies I used to watch a lot of when I was younger but since getting older, I don't watch half as many as I used to.

I would give up movies and keep my music :)
I would give up music and keep movies. I don't listen to music since I lost my hearing, as listening with just 1 ear isn't comfortable for me and I also need to be able to hear things around me and that's harder when using headphones with only one good ear, thus, I'd keep my movies.
Movies and popular music are of zero value to me these days, and I have already abandoned both for many years.
Movies and popular music are of zero value to me these days, and I have already abandoned both for many years.
Unfortunately, it's going to be very difficult for me to give up on movies or TV shows. I might cut out music but I can still listen to it in movie's soundtracks and theme songs.
This is a tough one as I love both music and movies and watch and listen daily so choosing between the two is not easy.

Music motivates me though and helps with my mood so out of the two, if I had to give one up, it would have to be movies. I would much rather be motivated and in a good mood when I need to be :)
I love both so this is a difficult decision for me. Thinking about it, I couldn't be without my music as I use that for so much so movies, as much as I would hate to give them up, would be the one I would give up.