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Is Anything New Happening With Our National Champion Wolverines Football Team?


Aug 2, 2011
I’m asking because the quagmire that this board has become has led me to look for Michigan info in the greater media, as opposed to our own little corner of the interverse.

Maybe like Cam implied, I’m too stupid to figure the new format out.

So what’s going on with Michigan football?

Maybe I gotta turn to Brian, or whatever the fuck website that is.
I haven't heard a thing. Not recruiting well at this point..
Now how fucking dumb is this? “Similar threads” populate under this thread that go back to 2016 - one of them literally is about changing the verses of the national anthem - seriously?
I haven't heard a thing. Not recruiting well at this point..

Wait – what does that mean? Have you not heard a thing? Or have you heard that recruiting is not going well? Both things cannot be true.
Wait – what does that mean? Have you not heard a thing? Or have you heard that recruiting is not going well? Both things cannot be true.
They can be both true.. I haven't heard the recruiting was going well so it must not have. Plus they mentioned a bunch of schools doing well including some BIG teams and Michigan wasn't one of them. So by subtraction they're not doing well.
I ain't heard nothing about no Wolverines Football. But I haven't been paying no attention neither. A quick check on Rivals says that Michigan is #37, with only 6 commits for 2025. But with the present state of CFB, NIL, SOL, and WTH ... who knows anything about college football anymore, except that it's a racket that makes the Gambino Crime Family seem like the Salvation Army?
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Maybe like Cam implied, I’m too stupid to figure the new format out.

Reverting back to vBulletin isn't possible, but if there's anything I can change to liven up the place, let me know. I see the lack of community activity as well, and we're about to be at the slowest period of sports, when there's only baseball on.
Saw a bowl prediction thread that had ND and PSU making the playoffs with uofm missing out by a couple spots. It’s not totally unreasonable to think uofm may not make it but putting those 2 teams ahead of the seems pretty outrageous. No respect.
This site uses cheap Canadian AI, don’t expect too much.

What? 0.o

We don't use AI, the only thing that is robotic is our Lions news feed over in Press Releases, and that's not AI, it's a RSS feed automatically pulling content from a Lions blog. I'm also not Canadian, so if I used AI, it would be American. :p
Saw a bowl prediction thread that had ND and PSU making the playoffs with uofm missing out by a couple spots. It’s not totally unreasonable to think uofm may not make it but putting those 2 teams ahead of the seems pretty outrageous. No respect.
I think the same guy that just posted the bowl prediction thread where uofm misses the playoff also just ranked Moore 17th among B1G head coaches. I lost track of how many teams are in the B1G but I think that would put him deep into the bottom half.
What? 0.o

We don't use AI, the only thing that is robotic is our Lions news feed over in Press Releases, and that's not AI, it's a RSS feed automatically pulling content from a Lions blog. I'm also not Canadian, so if I used AI, it would be American. :p
I like to throw in a joke about Canadians every now and then. I didn't mean to insinuate you were Canadian - no offense meant.