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Jussie Smollett Arrest and Charge


Aug 2, 2011
Press conference going on right now. I’m listening on the radio. The Chicago PD superintendent sounds almost exactly like Ice Cube in one of his cop roles.
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Who the fuck is that?


Up until about a month ago he was a little known actor on the TV show Empire.

Very few people knew who he was until he made a police report to the Chicago Police Department about being assaulted for racial and homophobic motivations on the part of the assailants.

The Chicago police have just charged him with making a false police report.

This has been a huge news story for the better part of a month.
shocking - a high profile hate crime turns out to be a hoax. Thugs wearing MAGA hats, seeking out gay black men to prey upon at midnight in 5 degree weather, yelling this is MAGA country in a district where Trump received less than 12% of the vote. It seemed so real, like Allison Camerota said when reporting on the story - this is America in twenty nineteen.
shocking - a high profile hate crime turns out to be a hoax. Thugs wearing MAGA hats, seeking out gay black men to prey upon at midnight in 5 degree weather, yelling this is MAGA country in a district where Trump received less than 12% of the vote. It seemed so real, like Allison Camerota said when reporting on the story - this is America in twenty nineteen.

I knew this would get you all excited.
Of course, I don't agree to these extreme terms, but this plays a role for some people. High profile anecdotes.

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in other "there's no racism anymore" and "there's no evidence cops are racist" new, this has been popping up on various sites I read
Of course, I don't agree to these extreme terms, but this plays a role for some people. High profile anecdotes.

you could reverse these and apply them to a lot more people. For example:

If a hurricane hits landfall, climate change is undeniable

If there's a high profile hate crime allegation, America is racist

If a girl was raped in college, rape culture is undeniable.

The data doesn't prove any of that, including anthropogenic climate change and in the case of rape culture and systemic racism, it doesn't even support it. This meme is a get of thinking free card.
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you could reverse these and apply them to a lot more people. For example:

If a hurricane hits landfall, climate change is undeniable

If there's a high profile hate crime allegation, America is racist

If a girl was raped in college, rape culture is undeniable.

The data doesn't prove any of that, including anthropogenic climate change and in the case of rape culture and systemic racism, it doesn't even support it.

except there actually is evidence of all those things when you reverse it.
in other "there's no racism anymore" and "there's no evidence cops are racist" new, this has been popping up on various sites I read

the multi-cultural group "Patriot Prayer" labeled a far right white supremacist hate group by the SPLC - what more do we need to know. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, cops are racist.

I've now spent 3 minutes reading about Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson. He is of Irish and Japanese descent. Here are some of his positions:
- supports decriminalizing marijuana
- supports same sex marriage
- supports term limits for Congress
- supports implementation of national sales tax
- opposes undue influence of big Pharma in US health care.
- opposes antifa as anti-free speech
- disavows white supremacist saying "I would say the same thing to them that I would say to any black nationalist or Mexican nationalists group, we have to drop the identity of politics and focus on what is on the inside"

All that is from his Wikipedia page that continuously labels him far right. I guess since they're also targeted by Antifa, they must be far right. I mean why else would you oppose Antifa, right?
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the multi-cultural group "Patriot Prayer" labeled a far right white supremacist hate group by the SPLC - what more do we need to know. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, cops are racist.

This is some backwards thinking - pointing to a SPLC label to defend a group. The KKK is also labeled by the SPLC as a hate group. So we should assume the KKK is OK?
Maybe you could, maybe not. You just made that stat up.

Citation needed.

"A lot more people" isn't a stat. Since they control the narrative particularly in the left leaning media and you know, you have the consensus among scientists, I think it's reasonable to say it would apply to more people.
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This is some backwards thinking - pointing to a SPLC label to defend a group. The KKK is also labeled by the SPLC as a hate group. So we should assume the KKK is OK?

that's not even close to backward thinking. The SPLC is a left wing activist group. The fact that they get an obvious one right (the KKK) doesn't give them any credibility or shift the burden of proof in any way. Do you need the SPLC to know the KKK is a hate group? If the SPLC gets a lot of them wrong due to their leftist agenda, does that mean we have to assume they're wrong about everything? This is the type of backward logic that allows people to label everyone who supports securing the border a racist because white supremacists also support securing the border.

Unlike turd, I did read about patriot prayer after he posted the link. Did you? Do you have evidence to say the SPLC is right or is it just easier to hurl accusations about backward thinking?
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