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Latino ballplayers + Arizona's SB1070


Aug 2, 2011
Detroit Lions
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Red Wings
Boston Celtics
Reasonable Suspicion.
Being a Latino ballplayer in Arizona.
from Grantland

Arizona Immigration Law (SB 1070)

Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix. Sheriff Joe is a noisy supporter of SB 1070 and stricter deportation policies. It is a strange fate of the times that Sheriff Joe has jurisdiction over the Cactus League territory.
"Nobody's going to go around stopping them at a restaurant, asking for their ID," Arpaio says.
He pauses and adds, "Unless there's some other reason to do that."
Sheriff Joe is a Red Sox fan. Since he was raised outside Boston, he sees his continuous fandom as one more sign of his political consistency
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