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Let's Go, Brandon!

He was babbling incoherently again today

During a Wednesday visit to Pueblo, Colorado, Sleepy Joe Biden made headlines for yet another bizarre gaffe after he told a plant worker he travels with a Marine who has the nuclear codes that could destroy the planet.

Walking alongside employees of CS Wind, the largest wind turbine tower manufacturing plant in the world, Biden met a worker named Nick who was holding something in his hands.

When Biden approached, he said, ?Hey Nick. How are ya buddy?? before pointing to the object in Nick?s hand and saying, ?Now look, my Marine carries that. It has a code to blow up the world. That doesn?t? it?s not nuclear weapons is it??

?Oh, no,? Nick responded with the other guys awkwardly laughing off the strange remark.

Yeah, it's great news...

Brandon Johnson announces plans to boost 'equity' by making everything shittier across the board for everyone...

Shocking that a politician would renege on a major campaign promise but not at all surprising that a leftist moron's idea of equity in education is making education equally bad for everyone rather than actually trying to improve it. Fits the socialist moron and teachers' untion model perfectly. Well done.

Anticipating MC's response to be something along the lines of "well, if they didn't make it equally shitty across the board the billionaires would somehow profit from it yada, yada, all cops are racist, etc."
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Yeah, it's great news...

Brandon Johnson announces plans to boost 'equity' by making everything shittier across the board for everyone...

Shocking that a politician would renege on a major campaign promise but not at all surprising that a leftist moron's idea of equity in education is making education equally bad for everyone rather than actually trying to improve it. Fits the socialist moron and teachers' untion model perfectly. Well done.

Anticipating MC's response to be something along the lines of "well, if they didn't make it equally shitty across the board the billionaires would somehow profit from it yada, yada, all cops are racist, etc."

Brandon sure is getting lots of great press around his handling of the migrant crisis. Neighborhoods fed up with the encampments, Democrat aldermen, civic leaders, pastors decrying the millions spent on illegal immigrants while Chicago neighborhoods rot from within, crime especially murder surges, and city government won't put the City's sanctuary status to a vote of its citizens. Oh, and the city has 26k unhoused illegals in already freezing December and it's only going to get colder from here...

Every day the OP of this thread becoming even more and more hilarious...
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It's like my friends from the hood used to say,

"Superman don't never come to the ghetto."

"That's 'cuz he know he'd get his assssss kicked."

My friend bought his convertible Lebaron, or so he thought - turns out it was Hank Voight the dentist's used convertible Lebaron.

Oh, I can?t believe I missed this the first time - great Seinfeld reference.

Here?s a little of Hank in action.

Hank may be dirty, but he ain?t racist.

Hank is equal opportunity ass kicker.

Over 100 people shot in Chicago over 4th of July extended weekend, mayor blames Richard Nixon who has been dead for 30 years, was not from Chicago, never held elected office in Illinois and supported the civil rights movement before and during his Presidency.

He also blamed disinvestment due to Republicans. It's been over 100 years since Chicago has had a Republican Mayor but the violence is all Republicans' faults. FYI Brandon, disinvestment happens because of violence, not the other way around. Defund the police, get rid of cash bail and what was already one of the most violent cities in the US becomes a third world shithole. I'm pretty sure those are Dem policies.
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LOL, Brandon Johnson is a crook and a race baiting grifter.

Chicago spends $80k renovating office for Mayor's wife... When asked about it, Brandon Johnson dodges the obvious point re: what the hell is the City doing paying for his wife's office. His response was that renovating an office isn't what is going to bankrupt the City. Of course not Brandon, everyone knows you firing the board of Ed because they voted down your ill-advised high interest loan to give teachers a raise they don't deserve and the City can't afford and all your other moronic spending is what will bankrupt the City. But again, that's not the point. If your wife wants to renovate her office, pay for it yourself you thief.

When asked who was paying for his trip to London to see the Bears play football, Brandon Johnson plays the race card.

His response after claiming he was going to London to attract business to Chicago. It's a business trip (wink, wink). Then he added "...Because I have to be very honest with you, it’s pretty jacked up the way you framed that. It is. It is. It’s disrespectful and condescending that the black man is going to London for a game. And people get away with that too much.”

Edit: when the school board which is all Democrats voted down his loan request, he played the race card then too saying “the ‘we can’t afford it’ line was exactly what slave owners said about freeing the slaves”. Obviously the all Dem board thinks slavery should still be legal otherwise, why else would they use that excuse to deny the black guy his loan the City can’t afford…
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