the more intelligent end of the "curve" will be more naturally inquisitive and to some varying degree skeptical.
This is just tacitly untrue, I know a quite a number of idiots who are skeptical and atheists. "Curve" isn't even close to reality.
On the other hand, I look at Red and Byco as higher than your silly "average to above average" statement, and while they do exhibit a certain degree of skepticism, they most certainly DO NOT fit your mold.
. . . and in my opinion and experience, they aren't the exception to your rule. SO, your argument falls apart just based on that.
. . . and BTW you sure seem bitter. Your statement that you aren't rings a bit hollow to me.
Agnostic is the wrong word then, "bitter atheist" would be a much better description.
So I once again state the question to Tinsel. Can I play the bitter atheist? We will still go with the stunt doubles on the fall from grace, but I think we still need to negotiate those residuals.