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Miguel Cabrera in child-support suit with Florida woman now settled


Aug 2, 2011
Detroit Lions
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Red Wings
Boston Celtics
Miguel Cabrera in child-support suit with Florida woman.

Woman suing Cabrera as part of child-support lawsuit.

Detroit Tigers 1B Miguel Cabrera is being sued by Florida woman.

The last thing we need to hear on Miggy.

Don't let the little head tell the big head what to do.
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Bad enough that Miggy knocked Rodriguez up once...but twice?!?

She must have been a good cocksucker.

Why didn't he use a rubber, or fuck her up the asshole?

No sympathy for stupid fucking idiots.

Perhaps this child support battle also contributed to his having a shitty season.
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Bad enough that Miggy knocked Rodriguez up once...but twice?!?

She must have been a good cocksucker.

Why didn't he use a rubber, or fuck her up the asshole?

No sympathy for stupid fucking idiots.

Perhaps this child support battle also contributed to his having a shitty season.

Do you have to be so disgusting..
Yeah, you sound like the president of the United States or something, ya sick fuck
Then go back to those co-ed threads..

Make me, you're a mod here.

One of the supposed "perks" that was touted about joining DSF, was that members would be allowed to post profanities.
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Make me, you're a mod here.

One of the supposed "perks" that was touted about joining DSF, was that members would be allowed to post profanities.

Profanity is not the same as being Vulgar.. Use Diggler's junk for that. This is still a 'sports' forum.
This particular topic has less to do with sports, and much more to do with the consequences of unprotected non-contraceptive sexual infidelity by a professional athlete who was/still is cheating while married.

There are no prohibitions to posting profanities and vulgarities in these forums, the lone difference being the sticky disclaimer in Digglers Junk which also implies personal attacks would not be very strictly prohibited or moderated.

Rosangel should have filed for divorce after she learned about Miggy being a baby daddy the first time, and most certainly after #2. "Fool me...fool me once...shame on...shame on you. Fool me twice...you won't get fooled again."

If you find the relatively few posts that I make while using either or both personally offensive, then either block me or ban me.
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she was getting $6200 a month and wants $100,000 per month.

Men will never learn.

I can't believe his wife is still with him.
Considering that Migwell apparently preferred to have his skin in the game, and got only one mistress pregnant twice, then it appears that his philandering was very limited in scope, unless any others who he had dalliances with, were using IUDs, were on the pill, and/or were one night stands. Oft-times when one mistress of a sports celeb "comes" out in public, then soon others will follow as well, but we perhaps shall soon see, one way or another.
$100K per month is $1,200,000 annually...which is most likely less than 7.5% of the net of his average $31M salary and any other endorsement income through 2023. FL has no state income taxes IIRC. But I don't know how much MI and other state taxes that he pays when playing @ home or on the road. Still his annual income would most likely need to be half or less than what it is for his atty to make a case...Rodriguez might even be granted more than $100K monthly for support, when judgement is finally rendered.

Miggy needs to go on Maury, so we can watch him shout: "Mr Cabrera....you ARE or ARE NOT the father!!"
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Migwell's divorce attorney bailed on him earlier this month?

And now he doesn't have one?

Hoo boy...what a piece of work he and she must be.

That is gonna leave a mark, and most likely will affect his mental state for who knows how long...plus his child-support issues.

Latinos are infamous for their hot tempers, too....this probably ties into the brawl he had vs the yanks last August...bottled up frustration, guilt, and anger.