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My first Michigan game


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
I’m going to my first Michigan game and was wondering if you guys could recommend places to go see and eat while I’m in town. I will be there for two nights so I could have more time to check everything out. Any recommendations would be appreciated thanks.
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Eat at:

-Mr. Spot's
-Red Hot Lovers
-Pizza House

(sit down/takeout places on campus)

Nicer places downtown:
-Grizzly Peak
-Jolly Pumpkin

I don't even know where you want to drink before the game... If you don't have a tailgate to go to, you could hit up The Brown Jug on South U (that makes visiting Red Hot Lovers easy). I'd also recommend Dominick's across from the law school, although it might be closed for the season. Probably is.

Depending on your age though, if you're not "college age" or within 5 years of it, I'd stick to the downtown bars if you're going out at night.
If you like seafood, go to Black Pearl. Make sure you get the coconut shrimp for an appetizer. I've had the cioppino, blackened swordfish, pasta gone bayou, caramel apple salmon, togarashi tuna, and sea scallops for dinner there. I'd recommend any of them. They were all great.

Like Champ mentioned, Grizzly Peak is nice. I go there every time I'm in town now. They also have a great pre-game brunch in case the weather doesn't cooperate for tailgating. Easy walk to the stadium from there.

I like going to Conor O'Neill's to drink. I like Irish bars. Jolly Pumpkin is another favorite because I love sour beers.
I really like Jolly Pumpkin for the sour beer. If you don't like that, don't go, though. The food is so-so

Zingerman's Roadhouse gets a lot of hype, but I'm not a fan

Grizzly Peak is always good.

Seafood, I like Real Seafood Co and it is right there near Jolly Pumpkin.

Mden is right there, too, which is a bonus.

Just outside of town, south of 94, is the Session Club. I really like that place, good beer and good food. They have like a hundred beers on tap. They have their own parking lot, which is nice, too. Downtown, you have to park in a parking garage and then walk for a mile...

Blimpy Burger is good and a classic, but I haven't been to the newer location.
I really like Jolly Pumpkin for the sour beer. If you don't like that, don't go, though. The food is so-so

Zingerman's Roadhouse gets a lot of hype, but I'm not a fan

Grizzly Peak is always good.

Seafood, I like Real Seafood Co and it is right there near Jolly Pumpkin.

Mden is right there, too, which is a bonus.

Just outside of town, south of 94, is the Session Club. I really like that place, good beer and good food. They have like a hundred beers on tap. They have their own parking lot, which is nice, too. Downtown, you have to park in a parking garage and then walk for a mile...

Blimpy Burger is good and a classic, but I haven't been to the newer location.

That MDen on Main St is under renovation and closed until Spring 2019. It was supposed to open this fall, but they're way behind.
A lot of people say that Weber's is awesome...especially for breakfast

I'm not a fan
If you’re on the Golf Course and see the flag of Spain & a GD/Steal Your Face/M flag, that’s us.

Say hello.
I've still never tried it.

I also think Zingerman's is extremely overrated. Was always disappointed when I'd go back and people would want to meet there... Like if you just wanted a Denver omelet with a side of pancakes, you could only get an egg white frittata, with whole grain pancakes, and no maple syrup.

I don't know what the best breakfast place there is...Angela's was always so crowded we'd just go to Holiday's on West Stadium. it's a typical diner where you can get normal breakfast food and be happy eating it.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I love craft beer so definitely going try the beer up there. I?m 36 so I?m not going to be hanging out with kids lol.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I love craft beer so definitely going try the beer up there. I?m 36 so I?m not going to be hanging out with kids lol.

If you like whiskey, The Last Word on Huron is a really solid spot to hit.
Agree singer MSN?s snd riadhoyse overrated

Weber?s is average but I ate there a bit when I lived there

Grizzly Oeak is a favorite
Lots like Fritos Banditos across the street
Went to Arbor brewery which had some good bear and probably the best pretzel sticks I ever had. Then went to Blue tractor and they had really good bbq and beer. I live in Tennessee and had some good bbq and it was better then a lot of places down here lol. Not sure where we are going tonight after the game but thanks for the responses again.