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No god, no jobs, no do over's

You support a candidate thats not even christian, believes in magic underwear, planet kolob, fired people to make his millions, and has an elevator for his car.

Now thats pathedic...
You support a candidate thats not even christian, believes in magic underwear, planet kolob, fired people to make his millions, and has an elevator for his car.

Now thats pathedic...

Mormons believe Jesus is the son of god....Im sure the workers at the elevator company were pleased with his purchase....
One minute its seperation of church n state..the next we're crucifying a leader for having different beliefs.
One minute its seperation of church n state..the next we're crucifying a leader for having different beliefs.

just come out and say it...why beat around the bush...Dems, say it...."we dont want god in our lives"...pretty simple, isnt it? 1/2 of the DNC didnt want any part of god...

Obama changes his mind for political reasons...He had the platform and approved it....
One minute its seperation of church n state..the next we're crucifying a leader for having different beliefs.

Isn't there actually an intersection of Church and State in Ann Arbor?

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Its not too late. Believe. No one wants to go into a fiery pit known as hell.
just come out and say it...why beat around the bush...Dems, say it...."we dont want god in our lives"...pretty simple, isnt it? 1/2 of the DNC didnt want any part of god...

Obama changes his mind for political reasons...He had the platform and approved it....

I'm a some what religious person, I was raised in catholic schools, I'm not out spreading "the word" or even going to church but I believe. That doesn't have anything to do with my political views though. I don't need my president to believe in God/Jesus, I need him to do whats best for my country and well-being. I don't consider myself a dem or repub...I believe in voting for the right man for the job regardless of party. Why vote someone in who you may not believe in because of who he represents.
I'm a some what religious person, I was raised in catholic schools, I'm not out spreading "the word" or even going to church but I believe. That doesn't have anything to do with my political views though. I don't need my president to believe in God/Jesus, I need him to do whats best for my country and well-being. I don't consider myself a dem or repub...I believe in voting for the right man for the job regardless of party. Why vote someone in who you may not believe in because of who he represents.

^^^^not a problem^^^^ just want a full disclosure, dont you?
Did your religion shape you in any way?
Mormons believe Jesus is the son of god....Im sure the workers at the elevator company were pleased with his purchase....

They didnt.....not for a long time. Not until god telephoned their head priest from planet kolob and told him lol.

Ps....im not making this up.
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They didnt.....not for a long time. Not until god telephoned their head priest from planet kolob and told him lol.

Ps....im not making this up.

And this is somehow different from any other religion?

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The burning bush pic I initially uploaded, the link didn't take for whatever reason...

...so there was Noah, and Abraham, and David, and Moses, and that guy Jesus...then that guy Muhammad...those were all living human beings who claimed they were able to communicate and speak with God directly, according to the story books...
You hit the nail on the head. Those are story books.....compared to a living human being whos obviously taking crazy pills.
You believe we all came from apes? Or some dude dug a big hole and poured water it in?

Anyway, that pic tinsel - nice.