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Noter Dame Sucks


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
It's almost football season. Or so I hear.

God Dammit, GO BLUE!!!!!!
23 days ....

now if we can only make it to Maui tomorrow.

fucking climate change, motherfuckers
You guys are one day ahead of Countdown to Kickoff. Might I inquire as to how you two were able to travel forward one day? I would like to catch up and only have 23 days of waiting left.
You guys are one day ahead of Countdown to Kickoff. Might I inquire as to how you two were able to travel forward one day? I would like to catch up and only have 23 days of waiting left.

We count down to Game Day Eve. Sometime around 4:30 pm the day before a game. After that point, no work gets done unless it is prep work for watching the game. It's an involuntary mental state that make you useless for just about anything else. Counting the next ~20 hours after that would be difficult since time slows down the way it does for a kid on Christmas Eve.
Office guy ND fan who didn't go there has been sending me pics of 'Dame' (he calls it) and the field turf and tix prices for M vs ND

I finally replied, dude I fucking hate noter dame and don't care if you're thinking of scalping tickets or pumped about field turf. I hope michigan destroys them - AGAIN!
Good point Gulo.

Forgot you were in NZ Vic. Was really hoping for that time travel thing...
Rumors floating that NDSucks is going to have 4 players suspended for academics. Moore, Ishaq, Daniels, and Russell are the rumored players.
Rumors floating that NDSucks is going to have 4 players suspended for academics. Moore, Ishaq, Daniels, and Russell are the rumored players.
are they starters? I'm not too familiar with their roster.

My friend just confirmed he got tickets! this will be my fourth UM-ND game in a row. currently 2-1 in this stretch (2-2 overall... goddamn 2005 game).

2012 was my first time on ND's campus. I was not impressed; after years of hearing how amazing & historic their campus was, most of the buildings were pretty bland as far as architecture goes. It looked more like an overgrown suburban high school, than a private, ivy-league wannabe. I've been to South Bend twice now, and I have to say the city itself is a dump as well.

in 2012 as per usual their fans were complete dickbags... lots of catcalls after you walk by, but not to your face. no sense of humor. And when they attempted to be clever they came off as completely stupid and fatuous: I remember two spoiled brat teenage girls yelling "MICHIGAN... your Mortgage is UNDERWATER! HAHAHA And you don't even know what that means!!!" to a couple partners from a large Chicago law firm wearing Michigan shirts walking in front of us...
are they starters? I'm not too familiar with their roster.

My friend just confirmed he got tickets! this will be my fourth UM-ND game in a row. currently 2-1 in this stretch (2-2 overall... goddamn 2005 game).

2012 was my first time on ND's campus. I was not impressed; after years of hearing how amazing & historic their campus was, most of the buildings were pretty bland as far as architecture goes. It looked more like an overgrown suburban high school, than a private, ivy-league wannabe. I've been to South Bend twice now, and I have to say the city itself is a dump as well.

in 2012 as per usual their fans were complete dickbags... lots of catcalls after you walk by, but not to your face. no sense of humor. And when they attempted to be clever they came off as completely stupid and fatuous: I remember two spoiled brat teenage girls yelling "MICHIGAN... your Mortgage is UNDERWATER! HAHAHA And you don't even know what that means!!!" to a couple partners from a large Chicago law firm wearing Michigan shirts walking in front of us...

All but Moore are starters. NDSucks top corner (Russell), wide receiver (Daniels), and defensive end (Williams). This rumor involves NDSucks vacating wins from 2012. Apparently some NDSucks starters were exchanging sex with their female tutor in exchange for her doing their homework.

Update: none of those four were at NDSucks practice today.
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All but Moore are starters. This rumor involves NDSucks vacating wins from 2012. Apparently some NDSucks starters were exchanging sex with their female tutor in exchange for her during their homework.

Hmmm... this has happened before... remember Kim Dunbar?

will the sports media start referring to ND football as scandal-plagued?
Does this mean that MSU was undefeated last year?

I assume the OP knows it's Notre and not Noter
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I love waking up in the South Pacific to news like this!!

Sounds like Brian Kelly is lacking in family values, institutional control, moral values and generally just isn't a noter dame sort of guy.
Take this with a grain of salt, but one of my buddies said he is hearing that there were two tutors involved and one of them was a guy.
I love waking up in the South Pacific to news like this!!

Sounds like Brian Kelly is lacking in family values, institutional control, moral values and generally just isn't a noter dame sort of guy.

I know, I heard he had some kid on his team kicked out of school for rape and he covered the reason up to the press. he also had two players get in fights with other students on the streets and he has a felon as his rep at media day. I think that was brian kelly, right?