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Noter Dame Sucks

You do have to acknowledge one thing - this was an internal investigation conducted by the school.

No way in hell any SEC school (outside Vandy) or BigTen programs dying to be SEC-like ...ahem, Ohio, would ever do the same.

Noter dame sucks but at least some people somewhere have at least a little integrity. How Kelly handles this one will speak volumes, if he's allowed to stay of course.
Agreed. ND sucks, but if this is comparable to UNC, their reaction so far looks far better than demonizing the whistleblower.
“@YahooForde: Notre Dame release: "Evidence that students had submitted papers and homework that had been written for them by others ... "”

Plagiarism is a tradition there, though. ND stole their slogan from Oklahoma, after all
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Damn! I was hoping ND would be the first nationally ranked team Michigan was going to beat this year. I'll still enjoy the beat down Michigan puts on them, but it will not be as meaningful in terms of national recognition. I think they did this on purpose!
You do have to acknowledge one thing - this was an internal investigation conducted by the school.

No way in hell any SEC school (outside Vandy) or BigTen programs dying to be SEC-like ...ahem, Ohio, would ever do the same.

Noter dame sucks but at least some people somewhere have at least a little integrity. How Kelly handles this one will speak volumes, if he's allowed to stay of course.

I agree that ND - or at least some individuals in the administration & faculty - deserves credit for doing the right thing. every school has tension between the faculty & athletic departments, but how that tension is resolved varies from place to place. We saw it, I think, in the way Demar Dorsey was prevented from enrolling under RR. We did the right thing in that case, and I don't think we have had those problems in Ann Arbor since then; at least we haven't heard of any academic issues under Hoke. I don't remember any under Carr either.

since this has come up AGAIN at ND, I wonder if some on the faculty have it in for Kelly. By all accounts, he's a pretty big jerk. And also, it's one thing to get away with some of the issues his team has had (Lizzy Seeburg, Declan Sullivan, etc.) with nothing more than some bad press and a slap-on-the-wrist from OSHA, but it's another to expect everyone there to forget and move on. I mean... people DIED. I wouldn't be surprised if some in the Administration there decided to take it upon themselves to make life as difficult as possible for Kelly... after all they are Catholic, right? they're holier than us, and hold themselves to higher standards.

FWIW, Kelly's making excuses: Link: http://www.freep.com/article/20140818/SPORTS06/308180167/notre-dame-football-academic-scandal:
"Kelly said. “We have to do a better job providing them the resources. Look, this is never a one-sided issue. We have to internally look at providing our student-athletes all the resources necessary that if, in fact, they took shortcuts, that they don’t.”"
"Asked about the connection between his tenure and a sequence of high-profile incidents that revealed questionable decision making — from Shembo’s alleged sexual battery of Saint Mary’s College student Lizzy Seeberg that preceded her suicide, to the death of student videographer Declan Sullivan in 2010, to Michael Floyd playing after his third alcohol-related incident in 2011 to this — Kelly deferred. He’s engrossed with the Rice game plan.

“This isn’t the time to have a debate on what my leadership, or lack thereof, is,” Kelly said."
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I got a couple of texts from the dame fan while on vacation and replied today saying , wow a lot has happened in south bend since you bought those tickets ...heard it's serious

This is the reply ---


A female that graduated in 2011 is now in law student she was a tutor as well for her student aid until 2011. Shes dating a junior at nd he has a roomate. Those 2 are guikt by association and will be back soon another student emailed a paper to the girl to proof read a final paper. He opened up her response with suggestions in front of an advisor. She freaked out and this started.

The honor code says only use a current tutor.

Dame told on themself because the ncaa was going to leak the story.
I don't know ...perhaps this Dame is the sbee being asked about in the thread...??

The first text reply I didn't copy said, "a buddy runs money for one of the coaches and said its not bad, being overblown"

LOL ..."a buddy runs money." In other words, some chumpy financial advisor who this guy in the office claims to know, claims to have some insight via the coaching staff and per this statement (three times removed), "it's not bad."

I sent the SB Tribune article ML posted that blasts Kelly for all the scandals and talks about teh possibly vacated seasons.

Seems serious, but then again we all know how biased the media is against ND, State and Ohio and how biased in favor of Michigan it always is.
I don't know ...perhaps this Dame is the sbee being asked about in the thread...??

The first text reply I didn't copy said, "a buddy runs money for one of the coaches and said its not bad, being overblown"


Calling ND "Dame"... this guy you work with sounds like a pretty big toolshed.

"yeah, I cheer for the 'Gan. Oh that's MICHIGAN in case you didn't know."
yeah, I can't say I've heard it before ...reference to "Dame" when talking noter dame, but that's the way he's always said it. And, as I've said before, he ...didn't go there. He played D-III in Minnesota but his Italian-Catholic Dad was "always a huge Dame fan when I was a kid, so I've always loved them. And I hate Michigan ...but like Brady Hoke, so...."