Oh, I'm agnostic, too. I just think it's easy to figure out that these man made gods are just myths. I doubt that a god created us, but i wont say it's impossible. I just need more proof than a book.
Q and I are on the same wavelength here. Much of what he has posted could have come directly from my thought process as well. Many of the inconsistantcies and explanations in the bible are just so far fetched by todays knowledge base that it is obviously put together as a means of controlling the flock by addressing their questions of who we are and why we are here.
In order to lead the uneducated ancient masses, the rulers devised intricate explanations that supported the "why you should follow us" and "why we are right" and "how you will be rewarded in the afterlife".
The christians have the bible. Had the Christians not assembled the strongest armies and killed off the most "savages" you very well could have gotten your bread idea from Zeus or Odin rather than Jehova/Yeweh and Jesus.
The bible states that god is loving and just.
I have seen no evidence of that. Quite the opposite.
If there is a god, his policy seems to be to ignore and disregard.
I see no justice in a god who would damn those that do not follow his teachings to an eternity of torture and suffering, wether they were ever afforded the oppertunity to learn of him or not.
Let's ask the slaughtered "savages" of the crusades, or those put to death as witches and detractors of the inquisition if god is just and caring.
I'm sure the disgusting gluttons like Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn that make an ultra rich living off fleecing their flock feel that way, but the ultra religious poverty stricken poor simply have no place else to turn, and putting all of their faith into the "great spirit" to save them is detrimental and unrealistic.
And studying the bible for 40 years... All of them? Which religion or interpretation? I think in ordser to truly study the bible, you would need to read the original Hebrew untranslated version. There is so much that can be lost in translation.