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President Trump visits a NASCAR race


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Last weekend, President Trump visited a NASCAR race. He wanted to see the race cars go around and around the track.

First he flew there in his airplane:


He asked his pilot to fly real low, so he could wave to all the people and they could wave to him!

Then he went for a ride in his own car. Maybe he was too scared to go in one of the fast race cars!


He had his driver drive his special president car around the track, so he could see all the people!

Afterward, all the people got to watch the cars go around and around the track until the fastest driver won! Everyone was very excited and went home happy from their busy days.

Some people think it's hypocritical for the President to go on trips like this because other people have to pay for the President's plane and car and other things like pop and trips to McDonald's to eat, and the people who support the President used to say the other Presidents should not spend so much money like this. But I think it's nice that the President got to see the fun race cars, and so I think they're wrong.

What do you think?

Do you wish you could have also flown in the big plane and gone for a ride around the race car track in your car?
I took my son to the race, what a mess his visit made. First we left early so my son could meet some of the drivers in front of the speedway like every other time we have gone. That got cancelled due to Secret Service. Then my wife had to wait 2 hours in security. Only for the race to be delayed an hour. After an hour delay it started to rain so it got delayed another hour. He didn't even stay to watch 1 lap, he flew out 10 minutes before it started.

Also, I am not sure if you put that picture in there on purpose because his campaign did. Because that picture is from Bush 2004. There were a lot less fans in the stands if you get there pictures from his visit. They actually don't even have those stands anymore on the back stretch.

Also, I am not sure if you put that picture in there on purpose because his campaign did. Because that picture is from Bush 2004. There were a lot less fans in the stands if you get there pictures from his visit. They actually don't even have those stands anymore on the back stretch.

Shit. well, that's what google images returned when I searched. I saw video of him having AF1 buzz the track & figured that was a pic of the same event
auto racing...it's not even a sport

I have a theory that rednecks hate physical exercise.

no matter the season or place, they have to put a motor in it, make a lot of noise and be generally shitty and threatening to everyone around them.

hiking? NO! ATVs.

skiing? NO! snowmobiles.

sailing? NO! jetskis.

track and field? Go run? are you serious? HELL NO! NASCAR!
Would'a been a lot cooler if he went into the wall comin' outta turn four and did a few end o're end flips. Ain't NASCAR wit no wrecks!
I have a theory that rednecks hate physical exercise.

no matter the season or place, they have to put a motor in it, make a lot of noise and be generally shitty and threatening to everyone around them.

hiking? NO! ATVs.

skiing? NO! snowmobiles.

sailing? NO! jetskis.

track and field? Go run? are you serious? HELL NO! NASCAR!

said the pudgy little dough boy from Michigan.
Would'a been a lot cooler if he went into the wall comin' outta turn four and did a few end o're end flips. Ain't NASCAR wit no wrecks!

OMFG, this is the content I crave!

that would be great.
I have a theory that rednecks hate physical exercise.

no matter the season or place, they have to put a motor in it, make a lot of noise and be generally shitty and threatening to everyone around them.

hiking? NO! ATVs.

skiing? NO! snowmobiles.

sailing? NO! jetskis.

track and field? Go run? are you serious? HELL NO! NASCAR!

Well then it must be true that it's not just rednecks that support trump. :cheers:
My only question is how many libs does this reflect accurately after they saw trump at the NASCAR?

That would have been saw as in saw the news clips of it

Don't you wish you were there too? You could have cheered the president, then got a bad sunburn sitting on a bench with thousands of other like-minded people, watching cars drive around an oval 500 times.
Don't you wish you were there too? You could have cheered the president, then got a bad sunburn sitting on a bench with thousands of other like-minded people, watching cars drive around an oval 500 times.

They only go around 200 times, it's 500 miles.
They only go around 200 times, it's 500 miles.

Learn somethin' new every day!

I've actually been to a NASCAR race once - to work - and that was when I was in school. I got a marketing temp job at a friend's recommendation. he said all you had to do was fill out surveys and take part in focus groups and they paid $50-and-up per event.

But the only work I ever got was staffing the Ballpark Franks trailer at a NASCAR race in Joliet, IL. It was 8 hours of either grilling franks, chopping them up,
or passing out samples. I didn't see the race, and have no idea who won (nor did I care)

To their credit NASCAR fans were way less drunk and surly than I imagined them to be.

But in those 8 hours... I saw enough obese, sunburned white flesh to last me a lifetime. :ugh:
I've been to one NASCAR race, the Indy 500 once and the Kentucky Derby twice. I was on the infield for all three events. Never saw a car in the NASCAR event, passed out on a folding chaise lounge chair at the Indy 500 and never saw a horse at the Derby. When I was young that kind of thing seemed fun. Now I wish I could have those hours back...what a waste of time.